Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Why Is Visceral Fat So Dangerous

Reduce Inflammation Naturally and Melt Fat Easily!

Why Is Visceral Fat So Dangerous
Why Is Visceral Fat So Dangerous https://www.anoasisofhealing.com/how-to-get-rid-of-visceral-fat-naturally/ Why is visceral fat so dangerous and how do we either prevent or eliminate it? Central adiposity is the fat around the midsection. The term the medical community uses for fat cells is adiposity. It is a condition or state of a person being fat. Central adiposity provides an indication of what is happening inside the body. If you look deep inside the body, beyond the belly fat and the muscles and examine the organs, you will see fat surrounding the organs. The fat surrounding the organs is what’s called visceral fat and it is a problem. It is an issue because the organs have to process this fat. A result of what happens with the organs have to process this visceral fat is called C-reactive protein (CRP). C-reactive protein is best described as an inflammatory marker. Inflammation results from fat that surrounds the organs. Chronic Inflammation is dangerous to our health. Acute inflammation is normal and necessary and not dangerous. An example of acute inflammation is hitting your thumb by accident with a hammer and it gets red in color, swells and is painful. It will then heal, and everything is back to normal. An example of the dangerous chronic inflammation is when you keep banging your thumb with the hammer continuously over and over. The bone will grow as well as becoming deformed while constant pain sets in. This is chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is at the root of all disease which includes including cancer. Visceral fat will cause inflammation with internal organs. The organs process it and it goes directly in the bloodstream and creates what is known as a chronic inflammatory condition. The way to eliminate visceral fat is to stop eating cooked carbohydrates. Constant dieting is ineffective, why is this? When a person loses weight and gains it back, they never have the opportunity to eliminate the visceral fat internally. The cooked carbohydrates to avoid are; pasta, rice, potatoes, and bread. And, do not eat processed sugar of any kind. Fruit is okay to eat, just avoid dried fruit. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgEvpazxx5NPE4eMlqZC1fgNluZfNQDuD https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR0Y7icMoXgQZaepRkJlHzg/videos
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Why Is Visceral Fat So Dangerous was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

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