Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Personalizing wearable devices

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Personalizing wearable devices
When it comes to soft, assistive devices the wearer and the robot need to be in sync. But every human moves a bit differently and tailoring the robot's parameters for an individual user is a time-consuming and inefficient process. Now, researchers have developed an efficient machine learning algorithm that can quickly tailor personalized control strategies for soft, wearable exosuits.
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Personalizing wearable devices was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Dressing atoms in an ultracold soup

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Dressing atoms in an ultracold soup
Using lasers, US and Austrian physicists have coaxed atoms in an ultracold strontium gas into complex structures unlike any previously seen in nature. Researchers created 'Rydberg polarons' in a gas at least 1 million times colder than deep space.
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Dressing atoms in an ultracold soup was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Search for first stars uncovers 'dark matter'

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Search for first stars uncovers
New research offers the first direct proof that dark matter exists and that it is composed of low-mass particles.
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Search for first stars uncovers 'dark matter' was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Within 180 million years of the Big Bang, stars were born

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Within 180 million years of the Big Bang, stars were born
After 12 years of experimental effort, a team of scientists, led by Arizona State University astronomer Judd Bowman, has detected the fingerprints of the earliest stars in the universe. Using radio signals, the detection provides the first evidence for the oldest ancestors in our cosmic family tree, born by a mere 180 million years after the universe began.
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Within 180 million years of the Big Bang, stars were born was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Flipside of a dinosaur mystery: 'Bloat-and-float' explains belly-up ankylosaur fossils

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Why are fossil remains of ankylosaurs -- armored 'tanks of the Cretaceaous' -- usually found belly-up? A paleontologist proposes the explanation is 'bloat-and-float', where the dead dinos would float downstream, bloat, flip upside down, and be fossilized that way.
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Flipside of a dinosaur mystery: 'Bloat-and-float' explains belly-up ankylosaur fossils was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Health Ranger Store expands production by 400%

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Health Ranger Store expands production by 400%
The Health Ranger Store is rapidly expanding! Here's the most recent update from the Health Ranger. Visit to shop clean food now.
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Health Ranger Store expands production by 400% was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Why the LEFT doesn't want SHOOTINGS to stop

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Why the LEFT doesn
Have you noticed how the Left really doesn't support anything that would stop school shootings? That's because they actually DON'T want the shootings to stop... here's why. Read more at or
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Why the LEFT doesn't want SHOOTINGS to stop was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Why the public doesn't believe "official" sources anymore

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Why the public doesn
The Health Ranger explains why the public has lost faith in all the institutions that were once blindly trusted. Learn more at or
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Why the public doesn't believe "official" sources anymore was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Government crop SUBSIDIES promote DISEASE and diabetes

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Government crop SUBSIDIES promote DISEASE and diabetes
It's all by design: Government crop subsidies promote DISEASE which generates profits for Big Pharma. Stay informed by reading
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Government crop SUBSIDIES promote DISEASE and diabetes was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Dirty little SECRETS of the natural products industry

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Dirty little SECRETS of the natural products industry
The Health Ranger shares a true story about how his lab caught mercury contamination in a supplier's product. Shop for clean, lab-verified products at:
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Dirty little SECRETS of the natural products industry was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Roasted Carrot Coulis Recipe

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Roasted Carrot Coulis Recipe
Roasted Carrot Coulis Recipe

Have a vegetable hater in the house? Then you need to try roasted carrot coulis. Seriously. If there ever was a recipe that shows off all the glory of healthy veggies (besides a salad), it’s this one. A quick rough chop of sweet carrots, savory red bell peppers, and spicy sweet sliced onion — roasted...

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Roasted Carrot Coulis Recipe was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

What Is Optimal Human Functioning

Optimal Human FunctioningWhat is our optimal human functioning, we don’t know.

What we do know is that Einstein used only 8% of his brain. And, Tesla used only 9% of his which is far from optimal human functioning, wouldn’t you agree?

We have men in Machu Picchu who are fathering children at the young age of 110 and there is no Viagra involved. There are also the Hunza people in various parts of Pakistan and India, both men and women, who are running up and down hills at the age of 120 and 130.

We have no idea what our true potential is, nor do we know what our human niche is. An anthropologist would say that all the evidence points to all humans originating out of North Africa. This has to do with equatorial zones.

If you look at humans from a biblical point of view, then we all came from Eden. And, where is Eden? Eden is in Iraq. Isn’t Iraq all sand? What’s under the sand? Oil is under the sand and what is oil, it is compressed vegetation.

At one point in time, Iraq was a lush place and it got buried. The entire Middle East became buried under the sand. The Middle East was all lush vegetation at one time in our history.

What is Optimal Human Functioning Listen in to Dr. Lodi discuss this Topic

That’s what made the oil, the carbon and all that came with it. If you look at us biblically or scientifically, we are sub-equatorial or equatorial creatures.

It makes sense because our closest cousins are the Gorilla’s, Chimps and Orangutan’s and that’s where they come from, they don’t come from Alaska. And what do they eat, they eat vegetables, plants, and fruits.

They are designed to eat this food and so are we as humans. To achieve optimal human functioning beyond the levels of Einstein and Tesla would require that we plug back into nature.

Humans are disconnected from nature, unlike animals. We keep moving further away which is not good for the long-term survival of our race.

We need to live in harmony with nature, eat a whole food plant-based diet and go to bed much earlier than most people do today.  These are just the simple basic things that need to happen first.

Beyond that, there is so much more that needs to happen across the planet to increase human potential. It’s going to take a huge coordinated effort to have this come to fruition and a massive reversal of how things currently work on this planet.

The post What Is Optimal Human Functioning appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

The moon formed inside a vaporized Earth synestia

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The moon formed inside a vaporized Earth synestia
A new explanation for the Moon's origin has it forming inside the Earth when our planet was a seething, spinning cloud of vaporized rock, called a synestia. The new model resolves several problems in lunar formation.
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The moon formed inside a vaporized Earth synestia was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Storm waves can move boulders we thought only tsunamis had the power to shift

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Storm waves can move boulders we thought only tsunamis had the power to shift
It's not just tsunamis that can change the landscape: storms shifted giant boulders four times the size of a house on the coast of Ireland in the winter of 2013-14, leading researchers to rethink the maximum energy storm waves can have - and the damage they can do. Four years ago, storms moved huge boulders along the west coast of Ireland. The same storms shifted smaller ones as high as 26 meters above high water and 222 meters inland. Many of the boulders moved were heavier than 100 tons, and the largest moved was 620 tons - the equivalent of six blue whales or four single-story houses. It was previously assumed that only tsunamis could move boulders of the size seen displaced in Ireland, but the new paper provides direct evidence that storm waves can do this kind of work.
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Storm waves can move boulders we thought only tsunamis had the power to shift was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Our reactions to odor reveal our political attitudes, survey suggests

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Our reactions to odor reveal our political attitudes, survey suggests
People who are easily disgusted by body odors are also drawn to authoritarian political leaders. A survey showed a strong connection between supporting a society led by a despotic leader and being sensitive to body odors like sweat or urine. It might come from a deep-seated instinct to avoid infectious diseases.
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Our reactions to odor reveal our political attitudes, survey suggests was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Reasons to have a Moms Night Out

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Reasons to have a Moms Night Out
Reasons to have a Moms Night Out

Being a mom is hard work. Really hard work!! I love my children, but that doesn’t make it easy. As moms our help and support is in constant demand … but you can’t give from an empty cup. (Unless the cup is filled with wine … I kid, I kid!) I’ve learned from experience that...

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Reasons to have a Moms Night Out was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Tracking endangered mammals with the leeches that feed on them

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Tracking endangered mammals with the leeches that feed on them
A broad survey conducted across southern Asia reinforces the idea that the mammal biodiversity of an area can be determined by looking at the DNA found in leeches' blood meals. The new study also shows for the first time that DNA found in leeches can be used to identify certain ground birds and, possibly, some bats.
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Tracking endangered mammals with the leeches that feed on them was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

ALL your freedoms will be lost if the Left is allowed to win

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ALL your freedoms will be lost if the Left is allowed to win
If society allows the lunatic Left to take control, you will lose all the rights you cherish: Food freedom, health freedom, freedom of speech and even the freedom to defend yourself via the Second Amendment. See more at or
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ALL your freedoms will be lost if the Left is allowed to win was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Vehicle EMISSIONS controls often HURT the environment

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Vehicle EMISSIONS controls often HURT the environment
The Health Ranger reveals how some vehicle emissions controls actually HURT the environment and destroy the life of engines. See more at or
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Vehicle EMISSIONS controls often HURT the environment was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

When FREEDOM is under attack, we must ALL get POLITICAL!

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When FREEDOM is under attack, we must ALL get POLITICAL!
When our freedoms are under assault by the lunatic Left, we must all become POLITICAL in an effort to defend our liberties. Read more at or
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When FREEDOM is under attack, we must ALL get POLITICAL! was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News


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The Health Ranger explains the science of "chemical violence" via pesticides. Learn more at or
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Pesticides are CHEMICAL VIOLENCE against CHILDREN was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

How to make honey ginger switchel

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How to make honey ginger switchel
How to make honey ginger switchel

Ever heard of switchel? It is a fermented beverage that hasn’t seemed to gain the popularity of kombucha … yet (though I suspect it will soon!). It relies on pre-fermented apple cider vinegar and does not have a long fermentation process like kombucha or kefir do, making it a great first drink for anyone new to...

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How to make honey ginger switchel was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

How the Left became a LUNATIC MOB

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How the Left became a LUNATIC MOB
The Left has become a lunatic mob, and they now want to strip you of all your rights and liberties. Be prepared to defend your country against left-wing lunacy. Stay informed at or
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How the Left became a LUNATIC MOB was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Monday, February 26, 2018

Benefits Of Fasting

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Benefits of FastingThe benefits of fasting are numerous and can’t be underestimated!

The damage done internally to the body from living outside of the biological laws of nature can be reversed from the benefits of fasting. Water fasting is the most effective, however, juice fasting is also effective and more tolerated by most people.

Insulin resistance which we call diabetes is the cellular response when too much glucose is ingested. The reason the body did that was to save its life. If all the glucose ingested was able to enter the cells, people would die quickly.

We label diabetes as a bad thing when in fact it is saving the life of the person who has that condition. Let’s look at high blood pressure. We see the same thing in this case as well.

People eat meat, and processed foods and the lining of their arteries get blocked up. The arteries become very narrow, but the blood flow must continue, otherwise, the person would have a stroke or a heart attack.

The question then becomes, how do you maintain blood flow if the openings are narrow? The pressure is increased to maintain the proper blood flow, and this is what’s called high blood pressure.

A person then goes to see a doctor and the doctor says that you have a disease and that’s it’s bad. When in fact, the high blood pressure is not bad, it is saving your life!

Let’s compare it to a person walking with a cane and another person wants to help them. Would you kick the cane out to help that person? Of course not, they would fall immediately.

The Benefits of Fasting Help Restore The Body To Optimal Functioning

This is what happens when doctors try to intervene on what is called a disease. It’s not a disease! It’s the body engaging in a homeostatic corrective response in order to maintain functional integrity.

The best thing to do when a person has diabetes, heart disease or cancer, is to fast. Fasting is the safest and fastest way to cleanse the cells.

Fasting cleanses, the inside and the outside of the cells and soon enough the arteries will be open and clear. And, the receptors signaled the DNA that everything is okay and sets everything back to normal.

Water fasts are the hardest to do for most people as they don’t have the time or energy to fulfill them. People can also do a green juice fast or a mono fruit fast (i.e. eating only bananas for 10 days).

These are effective as well and most people can handle them. The goal is to clean out the garbage in the extracellular fluid.

The best way to restore the body back to optimal functioning is to stop eating and eliminate all the waste. Once this happens, the person will have more energy and feel more alert and vibrant.

It’s important to note a water fast should be done with trained professionals who know what they are doing to support you. A green juice fast can be done safely on your own.

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Artificial intelligence techniques reconstruct mysteries of quantum systems

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The same techniques used to train self-driving cars and chess-playing computers are now helping physicists explore the complexities of the quantum world. For the first time, physicists have demonstrated that machine learning can reconstruct a quantum system based on relatively few experimental measurements. This method will allow scientists to thoroughly probe systems of particles exponentially faster than conventional, brute-force techniques.
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Artificial intelligence techniques reconstruct mysteries of quantum systems was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Printing of flexible, stretchable silver nanowire circuits

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Printing of flexible, stretchable silver nanowire circuits
Researchers have developed a new technique that allows them to print circuits on flexible, stretchable substrates using silver nanowires. The advance makes it possible to integrate the material into a wide array of electronic devices.
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Printing of flexible, stretchable silver nanowire circuits was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

All your groceries are CONTAMINATED with toxic detergent CHEMICALS

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All your groceries are CONTAMINATED with toxic detergent CHEMICALS
The Health Ranger explains why everything you buy in the grocery store is contaminated with toxic detergent chemicals. Learn more at or
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All your groceries are CONTAMINATED with toxic detergent CHEMICALS was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

New study PROVES vaccines SPREAD the FLU

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New study PROVES vaccines SPREAD the FLU
A bombshell new scientific study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) finds that people who receive flu shots emit 630% more flu virus particles into the air, compared to non-vaccinated individuals. In effect, this finding documents evidence that flu vaccines spread the flu, and that so-called “herd immunity” is a medical hoax because “the herd” is actually transformed into carriers and spreaders of influenza. The bombshell finding is documented in a study entitled Infectious virus in exhaled breath of symptomatic seasonal influenza cases from a college community. The study authors are Jing Yan, Michael Grantham, Jovan Pantelic, P. Jacob Bueno de Mesquita, Barbara Albert, Fengjie Liu, Sheryl Ehrman, Donald K. Milton and EMIT Consortium. Read more at or
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New study PROVES vaccines SPREAD the FLU was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Proxima Centauri's no good, very bad day

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Proxima Centauri
Astronomers have detected a massive stellar flare -- an energetic explosion of radiation -- from the closest star to our own Sun, Proxima Centauri, which occurred last March. This finding raises questions about the habitability of our Solar System's nearest exoplanetary neighbor, Proxima b, which orbits Proxima Centauri.
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Proxima Centauri's no good, very bad day was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Exotic state of matter: An atom full of atoms

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Exotic state of matter: An atom full of atoms
What is inside an atom, between the nucleus and the electron? Usually there is nothing, but why could there not be other particles too? If the electron orbits the nucleus at a great distance, there is plenty of space in between for other atoms. A "giant atom" can be created, filled with ordinary atoms. All these atoms form a weak bond, creating a new, exotic state of matter at cold temperatures, referred to as "Rydberg polarons."
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Exotic state of matter: An atom full of atoms was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

How Stem Cells Are Helping People Recover from Injury and Avoid Surgery

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How Stem Cells Are Helping People Recover from Injury and Avoid Surgery
How Stem Cells Are Helping People Recover from Injury and Avoid Surgery

I am here today with Dr. Christopher Centeno, MD, who is an international expert and specialist in regenerative medicine. He’s at the forefront of research on using adult stem cells in orthopedics to repair common injuries and provide an alternative to painful and invasive surgery. I’m just starting to learn about the huge potential of...

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How Stem Cells Are Helping People Recover from Injury and Avoid Surgery was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Invasion of the body-snatching fungus

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Researchers recently documented a gory and fascinating relationship between periodical cicadas and a fungus that infects them, hijacks their behavior, and causes a scene straight out of a zombie movie.
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Invasion of the body-snatching fungus was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Friday, February 23, 2018

Metalens combined with an artificial muscle

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Metalens combined with an artificial muscle
Inspired by the human eye, researchers have developed an adaptive metalens that is essentially a flat, electronically controlled artificial eye. The adaptive metalens simultaneously controls for three of the major contributors to blurry images: focus, astigmatism, and image shift.
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Metalens combined with an artificial muscle was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Model based on hydrothermal sources evaluate possibility of life on Jupiter's icy moon

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Model based on hydrothermal sources evaluate possibility of life on Jupiter
Scientists compare primitive Earth scenario with satellite Europa's conditions; the Jupiterian moon could host microorganisms at the bottom of a huge warm ocean located underneath its frozen crust.
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Model based on hydrothermal sources evaluate possibility of life on Jupiter's icy moon was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Improved Hubble yardstick gives fresh evidence for new physics in the universe

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Improved Hubble yardstick gives fresh evidence for new physics in the universe
Astronomers have used NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to make the most precise measurements of the expansion rate of the universe since it was first calculated nearly a century ago. Intriguingly, the results are forcing astronomers to consider that they may be seeing evidence of something unexpected at work in the universe.
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Improved Hubble yardstick gives fresh evidence for new physics in the universe was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

SCIENCE is under attack by climate CRAZIES

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SCIENCE is under attack by climate CRAZIES
The climate crazies are now attacking SCIENCE with their left-wing stupidity and pseudoscience nonsense. Read more at or
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SCIENCE is under attack by climate CRAZIES was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

MSNBC, CNN, Michael Moore, protest, Russian collusion, Russia conspiracy, fake news, propaganda

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MSNBC, CNN, Michael Moore, protest, Russian collusion, Russia conspiracy, fake news, propaganda
Guess who the REAL puppets of the Russians turned out to be? Learn more at or
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MSNBC, CNN, Michael Moore, protest, Russian collusion, Russia conspiracy, fake news, propaganda was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Mind-reading algorithm uses EEG data to reconstruct images based on what we perceive

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Mind-reading algorithm uses EEG data to reconstruct images based on what we perceive
A new technique developed by neuroscientists can reconstruct images of what people perceive based on their brain activity gathered by EEG.
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Mind-reading algorithm uses EEG data to reconstruct images based on what we perceive was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Thursday, February 22, 2018

What Is Toxemia Caused By

What Is Toxemia Caused ByWhat is toxemia caused by, it is quite simple, ingesting or inhaling too many toxins which accumulate and enter the blood.

When toxins get into the body, a person is said to be intoxicated. And, for some reason, we think it only relates to alcohol. In answering what is toxemia caused by, it’s all toxins, not just alcohol.

When toxins get into the blood, it’s called toxemia. Now, there is also anemia which is when the blood is low. When women have heavy periods, they can be anemic. If a person has an ulcer and is bleeding internally, they can be anemic.

“Emia” refers to something in the blood. Toxins get into the blood in many different ways. They can come in from eating, drinking, breathing them in and through the skin. Once toxins get into the blood, they circulate and get into the tissues.

People take in toxins, they get into the blood and develop toxemia. Then, it gets deposited into the tissues and organs and this is called intoxicated or intoxication.

Let’s define what a toxin is, shall we. To do this, we first need to understand what the opposite of a toxin is. Something that is taken into the body or enters the body and is assimilated into the body’s blood and tissue is not a toxin.

Real whole food gets incorporated into our flesh and blood. We breathe in air, oxygen and nitrogen and lots of other small gases. The oxygen gets incorporated into our cells and blood.

Anything that comes into your body that it can use as food or a nutrient. The word nutrient is a better word to use than the word food or from eating. Breathing in oxygen, the body can use an oxygen cell as a nutrient, so it doesn’t necessarily mean physical food.

What is Toxemia caused by and how can we prevent it?

People can drink water and water is a nutrient because the body will use the water. And, of course, nutrients do include food as well. Food will become a nutrient if it is whole, organic and raw of course, otherwise, it becomes damaged from cooking it or spraying it with pesticides.

That which can be taken in and incorporated into the body is a nutrient. And, that which comes into the body and can’t be incorporated and needs to be eliminated is a toxin.

Toxins can be cooked foods where nutrients are destroyed. When whole foods are sprayed with insecticides, herbicides or pesticides, these toxins get into the blood as well.

Toxins can be water that has fluoride which is a poison. Most sunscreens are toxic and are loaded with poisonous chemicals and rubbed onto the skin which lets toxins enter the blood.

We breathe in environmental toxins are well as we live our daily lives. These are the toughest to eliminate from entering the body as we can’t control what’s in the air.

We can, however, control, what we eat, what we drink and what we put onto our skin. This is why it is so important to make wise decisions in these areas.

We can reduce toxins and keep them from accumulating in the body where they can do a lot of damage.

The post What Is Toxemia Caused By appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Natural Strawberry Banana Soap Recipe

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This Natural Strawberry Banana Soap Recipe is made using the cold process soap making method. This is a delightfully naturally scented homemade soap that also has fantastic skin care benefits; it is especially helpful for acne issues. Benefits of Strawberries and Bananas in Skin Care This natural strawberry banana soap recipe is formulated to help...

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Natural Strawberry Banana Soap Recipe was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Quantum recurrence: Everything goes back to the way it was

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Quantum recurrence: Everything goes back to the way it was
When a complex system is left alone, it will return to its initial state with almost perfect precision. Gas particles in a container, for example, will return almost exactly to their starting positions after some time. For decades, scientists have investigated how this 'Poincaré Recurrence Theorem' can be applied to the world of quantum physics. Now, researchers have successfully demonstrated a kind of 'Poincaré recurrence' in a multi-particle quantum system.
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Quantum recurrence: Everything goes back to the way it was was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Neanderthals were artistic like modern humans

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Neanderthals were artistic like modern humans
Scientists have found the first major evidence that Neanderthals, rather than modern humans, created the world's oldest known cave paintings -- suggesting they may have had an artistic sense similar to our own.
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Neanderthals were artistic like modern humans was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

EMERGENCY BROADCAST from the Health Ranger Feb. 2018

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EMERGENCY BROADCAST from the Health Ranger Feb. 2018
This is an EMERGENCY BROADCAST from the Health Ranger for Feb., 2018. Learn more at or
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EMERGENCY BROADCAST from the Health Ranger Feb. 2018 was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

After destroying SECOND AMENDMENT, the Left will wipe out the FIRST

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After destroying SECOND AMENDMENT, the Left will wipe out the FIRST
The Health Ranger warns that the deranged, lunatic Left is attempting to ELIMINATE all conservative voices from society (by any means required). We are living in dangerous times. Read more at or
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After destroying SECOND AMENDMENT, the Left will wipe out the FIRST was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

21 Shea Butter Benefits and Uses

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Benefits and uses of shea butter

You all know I’m a fan of using coconut oil on skin and hair, but another all-star natural moisturizer for these uses and more around the home is shea butter. (Something about the name just even sounds luxurious, doesn’t it?) Shea butter is very thick and solid at room temperature but has a buttery rich...

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21 Shea Butter Benefits and Uses was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

139: Understanding Generational Toxins and Epigenetic Changes with Dr. Mindy Pelz

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Understanding Generational Toxins and Epigenetic Changes with Dr. Mindy Pelz

I’m here today with Dr. Mindy Pelz, who is such a wealth of information I don’t even really know where to start! Dr. Mindy has built one of the largest natural family wellness clinics in the San Francisco Bay Area. She’s especially knowledgeable on the role of generational toxins on health — a long term...

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139: Understanding Generational Toxins and Epigenetic Changes with Dr. Mindy Pelz was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

How Do You Meditate The Right Way

Watch on YouTube here: How Do You Meditate The Right Way

Locomotion of bipedal dinosaurs might be predicted from that of ground-running birds

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Locomotion of bipedal dinosaurs might be predicted from that of ground-running birds
A new model based on ground-running birds could predict locomotion of bipedal dinosaurs based on their speed and body size, according to a new study.
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Locomotion of bipedal dinosaurs might be predicted from that of ground-running birds was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

In a first, tiny diamond anvils trigger chemical reactions by squeezing

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In a first, tiny diamond anvils trigger chemical reactions by squeezing
Scientists have turned the smallest possible bits of diamond and other super-hard specks into 'molecular anvils' that squeeze and twist molecules until chemical bonds break and atoms exchange electrons. These are the first such chemical reactions triggered by mechanical pressure alone, and researchers say the method offers a new way to do chemistry at the molecular level that is greener, more efficient and much more precise.
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In a first, tiny diamond anvils trigger chemical reactions by squeezing was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Amateur astronomer captures rare first light from massive exploding star

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Amateur astronomer captures rare first light from massive exploding star
First light from a supernova is hard to capture; no one can predict where and when a star will explode. An amateur astronomer has now captured on film this first light, emitted when the exploding core hits the star's outer layers: shock breakout. Subsequent observations by astronomers using the Lick and Keck observatories helped identify it as a Type IIb supernova that slimmed down from 20 to 5 solar masses before exploding.
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Amateur astronomer captures rare first light from massive exploding star was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News