Monday, June 27, 2016

There Is No Such Thing As An Incurable Disease

no such thing as an incurable diseaseThere is no such thing as an incurable disease and I’m going to tell you why in this article.

Not only is there no such thing as an incurable disease, there is actually no such thing as disease!

It was never my intention to be a doctor, ever. I had been a student of life and health from the age of 16. If one studies life and health, it becomes clear quite soon that the last thing in the world you’d want to do is get into the medical profession because its anti-life, anti-health. It’s really disease care, not health care.

I went off to India and I lived in there for a while and wound up back in the U.S. and went into psychology and became a practicing clinical psychologist. And it was in that time that I kept seeing that I didn’t understand disease and how it affected people. I didn’t understand what effect medications had on people. And not having that understanding, I felt like there was something lacking in my ability to work with people.

So I went to medical school for that purpose, not to be a doctor. It was just to round out my vision. Now, I’ve come to know that there’s no such thing as disease. It’s a myth.

The major obstacle is that we humans are living under a very extreme bizarre delusion that we are not part of nature, which is insane. We are part of nature. We are an expression of nature. Just as a planet, a sun, a star, a supernova, a bacterium, a tree, they’re all expressions of nature. And for some reason, we came to the conclusion that we’re not part of it all.

We have separated ourselves, and we live in boxes and drive around in machines and cover our bodies and don’t want to touch the earth. We have a pejorative term for the earth. We call it dirt. We totally separated ourselves, in our minds.

We have a completely artificial environment we live in. We don’t live in the habitat out of which we arose, because we know that a sea bass arose out of the oceans and that sea bass will achieve its optimal functioning in saltwater, not in a freshwater lake. And for the same reason, you can’t take a polar bear and put him on the equator, optimal functioning of the organism is needed, which is the only definition of health that works.

Optimal functioning of the organism has to occur out of the environment in which that organism would have its function. We left our habitat. Then we built an artificial habitat. Well, you notice that the wild animals don’t have heart attacks, don’t have strokes, don’t have arthritis, don’t have colitis, don’t have cancers. They don’t have those things. Those things are only for us and our domesticated pets, the ones that we treat just like us.

If someone walks up and pushes you, the immediate thing your body does is fall this way. If you get hit by a car and you’re flung forward, you fling backwards. Okay, this is what’s called a knee-jerks reaction or a non-thinking response to maintain what’s called homeostasis, balance.

Watch This Video As I Explain Why There Is No Such Thing As An Incurable Disease

Livers do what livers do only. They don’t ever do what hearts do. Everything is following the law. It’s the same as water flowing downhill. It’s just going to flow the most perfect path ever. And that’s just the way it is. It’s the nature of nature.

So what we need to understand is that when there’s a disturbance to the integrity of the entire system, my 100 trillion cells that make me up, when there’s a disturbance to that, the body, the matrix that runs it, the magnetic pulse of the heart, this whole thing seeks to establish balance. That’s all it does.

So my arteries are clogged up because I’ve been eating food that wasn’t designed for me. So my body in its wisdom says, “Gosh, got to get the blood out to those organs through plugged up arteries, I guess I’m going to have to increase the blood pressure.” So it increases the blood pressure and we call that a disease. We say, “Well, I got a disease called high-blood pressure or hypertension.” It’s not a disease. It’s a corrective measure that the body underwent to keep us alive. If it didn’t do it, we’d die and the same applies with cancer.

If a woman didn’t get that breast cancer, her breasts would turn black, become necrotic and fall off. It’s all a corrective measure. When we understand that, we understand that nature is always in a process of maintaining balance and that for us to have the audacity or ignorance to come along and think we’re going to cure the cure or that the cure itself that nature is doing is somehow wrong. There is no disease. There’s only this other thing.

What we need to do is very simple. Return to and live according to the laws that govern our biology. And guess what? Your body won’t need to do the high blood pressure dance. It won’t need to do the cancer dance. These are just dances it’s doing to stay afoot, to stay afloat.

The post There Is No Such Thing As An Incurable Disease appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Where Do You Get Protein From If You Don’t Eat Meat?

Where do you get protein from if you don’t eat meat, well, grab a rat and milk it, let me explain.

I wrote a book called “Grab A Rat And Milk It” and it’s a quick read but it helps take you from wherever you are and wakes you up and you say, okay, I get the protein thing! The whole notion of where do you get protein from if you don’t eat meat comes from a lack of knowledge and understanding.
We all need to be woken up because right now, the earth is in crisis and the human race is in crisis. Cancer is a symptom of the crisis of the human race and it all has to do with protein.
When we talk about protein and talk about the way we need to live, most people say hmm, don’t you need protein? Where are you going to get protein if you’re eating like that? And I’ve got a couple of very relevant responses to that. One of them is this, that if you want to find out how much protein you need, you look at back when you were an infant because infants have to double and triple their weight.
And in order to accomplish that all mammals were given milk and in that milk is maximum protein, maximum carbs, maximum fat and maximum micro nutrients.

Where Do You Get Protein From If You Don’t Eat Meat Answered Here

If we look at the amount of protein in the milk of mammals then we can get an idea of how much that mammal may need, at the maximum time of their life when they are doubling and even tripling in weight and size. We don’t double in anything even as adolescences, we don’t go from four feet to eight feet.
However, as infants we double, so you need maximum protein. So if we look at the amount of protein in the milk, we find that probably one of the highest concentrations is in rats. They have forty-nine percent protein in their milk.
So my advice for all everyone who wants to get their protein, you’re on this protein, protein, gotta have protein mantra; grab a rat and milk it.
The post Where Do You Get Protein From If You Don’t Eat Meat? appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

via Where Do You Get Protein From If You Don’t Eat Meat?
by Dr Thomas Lodi

Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Health Benefits Of Avocados

Watch video on YouTube here: The Health Benefits Of Avocados

The Health Benefits Of Avocados Which Is A Plus for Your Liver Choosing to eat an avocado is an ideal choice for people with liver health concerns. Although the soft, yellow-green, creamy flesh of an avocado is loaded with different kinds of health benefits, its healthful fats, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties make this fruit a superstar for anyone working towards defending a compromised liver. Whether contending with fatty liver disease, viral hepatitis or a liver that has persevered after exposure to alcohol, drugs or other toxins, those with liver concerns can improve their health by choosing foods wisely. Foods containing lots of saturated fat, processed sugar or chemicals could lead to or cause harm to liver cells - and thus have the potential to exacerbate the liver's condition. On the other hand, foods high in fiber, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients can protect liver cells from harm. Densely packed with nutrients that support liver cells, avocados land squarely in the category of "foods favorable to the liver." About the Avocado Because of its prominence in many savory dishes, some people consider avocados to be a vegetable. However, due to its growth on a tree and reproductive components residing in its seed, the avocado is technically a fruit. Avocados provide nearly 20 essential vitamins and minerals and act as a nutrient booster by enabling the body to absorb fat-soluble nutrients. A few of the many body systems that avocado benefits include: Helps Cardiovascular System - Because avocados are high in monounsaturated fats and potassium, avocados may help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Great for the Eyes - Avocado contains both lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids that protect the eyes from age-related problems. Immune System Support - Since it contains Vitamin B6 (helps the immune system produce antibodies) and Vitamin C (helps the growth and repair of tissues), avocados help keep the immune system in top shape. Liver Health Maintenance - Due to avocado's nutrients that assist in detoxification and battle inflammation, this fruit can help ward off liver injury. More on Avocados Benefit to the Liver The avocado is a virtual liver super-food for several reasons: Valuable to those with a fatty liver, avocado's "healthy" fats can improve someone's cholesterol profile by lowering low-density-lipoproteins (also known as LDLs or bad cholesterol) and raising high-density-lipoproteins (also known as HDLs or good cholesterol). Avocados can help the body produce a type of antioxidant called glutathione. Glutathione is needed by the liver to filter out harmful substances and protect liver cells from damage. Likely due to experiencing repeated injury, those with chronic liver disease are often found to be low in glutathione. Avocados are the leading food source of this master antioxidant. In addition to glutathione, avocados are rich sources of Vitamin C and Vitamin E, antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. Neutralizing or deactivating harmful free radicals in the liver is instrumental in protecting liver cells from damage. Often cited as a staple in an anti-inflammatory diet, avocados contain both Vitamin E and Vitamin K, two nutrients that are known to quell cellular inflammation. Because liver cell inflammation precedes cellular injury, anti-inflammatory intervention is a trusted approach towards liver health support. Original article source link -
