Friday, March 31, 2017

VACCINE RAGE, the poisoning of minds and the downfall of society

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VACCINE RAGE, the poisoning of minds and the downfall of society
The Health Ranger explains how the mass poisoning of human minds with toxic heavy metals found in vaccines will lead to the COLLAPSE and DOWNFALL of society. Learn the full truth at and
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VACCINE RAGE, the poisoning of minds and the downfall of society was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

VACCINE FALSE FLAG attack on U.S. children now imminent

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VACCINE FALSE FLAG attack on U.S. children now imminent
The Health Ranger predicts a massive vaccine false flag is now imminent as the vaccine industry attempts to use biological weapons to spread fear and panic that promotes more vaccine profits. Get the full truth at and
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VACCINE FALSE FLAG attack on U.S. children now imminent was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Why Spring Is the Perfect Time to Take Your Workout Outdoors

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Why Spring Is the Perfect Time to Take Your Workout Outdoors

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When the weather thaws, the plants bloom and the days get longer, it’s spring—and the best time of the year to take your fitness regimen outside. Here are six research-backed perks of al fresco exercise.

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You work harder

When people exercise outside, they tend to spend more time doing it. One study found that older people who were active outdoors did at least 30 minutes more moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per week than those who only did it inside. It also made them feel healthier. “Nothing makes you feel more childlike than being outdoors,” says Dr. Pamela Peeke, a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and author of Fit to Live. “You’re modulating stress hormones, increasing endorphins and increasing the secretion of serotonin,” she says, so your mood brightens.

RELATED: The Best Places to Live if You Love Outdoor Sports

Being in nature lowers blood pressure

Spending time outside is also good for the heart. A recent study estimated that nearly 10% of people with high blood pressure could get their levels under control if they spent at least 30 minutes in a park each week, partly because of the heart-related benefits of getting fresh air and lowering stress. In Japan, public health experts recommend people spend time walking outdoors, a practice called forest bathing, or shinrin-yoku. Researchers in Japan have linked forest bathing with lower levels of the blood pressure-raising stress hormone, cortisol.

It spurs cancer-fighting cells

Some research suggests that when people are in nature, they inhale aromatic compounds from plants called phytoncides. These can increase their number of natural killer cells, a type of white blood cell that supports the immune system and is linked with a lower risk of cancer. These cells are also believed to be important in fighting infections and inflammation, a common marker of disease.

In one study, researchers found that people who took a long walk through a forest for two days in a row increased their natural killer cells by 50% and the activity of these cells by 56%. Those activity levels also remained 23% higher than usual for the month following those walks.

RELATED: 10 Ways to Burn More Calories During Any Type of Workout

It can feel more fun

When people exercise outside, they feel better and enjoy the exercise more, studies suggest.“Enjoyment is an important pathway to the mental health impacts of physical activity,” says Rebecca Lovell, a research fellow at the University of Exeter in the UK. Exercising outside is also a great alternative for those who don’t want to go to the gym.

A review of research found that people who exercised outside reported feeling more revitalized, engaged and energized than those who did it indoors. The researchers also found that people who exercised outside felt less tension, anger and depression.

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Your mental health may improve improve

Nature has a way of making people feel calm, and exercising outside can strengthen that effect. A small 2015 study found that people who walked for 90 minutes outside were less likely to ruminate on their problems and had less activity in the brain area linked to depression, compared to people who took similar walks but in urban areas. “Nature becomes a major distraction from all the stresses of life,” says Peeke.

You save money

Exercising outdoors is not only convenient, but it’s less expensive than a gym membership. It also cuts costs for the community. A recent study in England of “green exercises”—those done outside, including dog walking, running, horseback riding and mountain biking—estimated that the health benefits of doing physical activity in nature can save around $2.7 billion a year. “All you need is the right pair of shoes, and you can exercise on your own time,” says Peeke.

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Why Spring Is the Perfect Time to Take Your Workout Outdoors was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Bridal Mind & Body Makeover

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Bridal Mind & Body Makeover

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Bridal Mind & Body Makeover was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Breakfast Cereal Paralyzes Children (sort of...)

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Breakfast Cereal Paralyzes Children (sort of...)
In this shocking podcast, the Health Ranger reveals how a brand of breakfast cereal paralyzes and damages children... sort of. It's actually a metaphor for something else that's happening that's damaging children all across our globe. Stay informed at
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Breakfast Cereal Paralyzes Children (sort of...) was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Thursday, March 30, 2017

9 Before-and-After Photos That Show Weight Is Just a Number

Vaccines and Unintended Consequences

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Vaccines and Unintended Consequences
In the same way that antibiotics have given rise to deadly superbugs, vaccines may also give rise to widespread pandemic outbreaks that kill millions of people. Stay informed at and
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Vaccines and Unintended Consequences was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

IT'S OVER! America is now collapsing into a Pharma state

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The Health Ranger declares, "It's over!" as America collapses into a Pharma state, where Big Pharma controls everything: Government, academia, "science," media, public education, medical schools and more. Now, it can only end in collapse. Learn more at and
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IT'S OVER! America is now collapsing into a Pharma state was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Noni Superfruit Smoothie

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Noni Superfruit Smoothie
Ingredients: - 1 banana - 1 orange- peeled (for less fiber, use orange juice) - 1 carrot- chopped (for less fiber, use carrot juice) - 1 tsp Health Ranger Select 100% Organic Noni Fruit Powder ( - 1/4 cup Health Ranger Select Organic Goji Berries ( - 1/2 cup water (or milk of your choice) - 1 cup ice Directions: 1. Add all of the ingredients into the blender except ice. Blend the ingredients on the highest level setting until smooth. (Or choose "liquefy" or "juice" option if its available). 2. Add ice and pulse for 10 seconds. Enjoy! Learn more about Health Ranger Select Noni here:
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Noni Superfruit Smoothie was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Dr. Mercola and Dave Asprey (Full Interview)

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Dr. Mercola and Dave Asprey (Full Interview)
In this video, Dr. Joseph Mercola, natural health expert and founder, interviews Dave Asprey, founder and CEO of, about his new book, "The Bulletproof Diet" and "Head Strong: The Bulletproof Plan to Activate Untapped Brain Energy to Work Smarter and Think Faster - in Just Two Weeks." To read health articles, visit
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Dr. Mercola and Dave Asprey (Full Interview) was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

How Vaccines Can SPREAD Disease

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How Vaccines Can SPREAD Disease
PROOF of how vaccines can actually SPREAD disease rather than halting it! Stay informed at and
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How Vaccines Can SPREAD Disease was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Vaccine Hero for African-Americans: Tony Muhammad

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Vaccine Hero for African-Americans: Tony Muhammad
Rev. Tony Muhammad dares to speak the truth about vaccines and how the African-American community has been routinely targeted by government, industry and pharmaceutical giants for medical experiments, medical violence and more. Learn more at and
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Vaccine Hero for African-Americans: Tony Muhammad was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Treatment Alternatives For Cancer Which Is Best?

treatment alternatives for cancerTreatment alternatives for cancer have proven to be effective but is there one that’s better than the rest?

Among the treatment alternatives for cancer is there a stand alone therapy that is better than the others in treating cancer? The quick answer is no, it does not exist and that concept goes against the biological laws of nature. Nature is a complete synergistic happening 24/7 365 days a year, year after year.

The longer version of the answer is this; there are several very good alternative treatments for cancer that work well together and people can utilize these as they are readily available.  There is not one therapy nor one treatment that has the ability to eradicate cancer by itself. That’s just not how it works.

The fact that people ask is there one best alternative treatment for cancer highlights one of the fundamental problems with the scientific method. The real religion people have is called science. Why is that? Because people are going to believe their doctor more than their Rabbi or Minister as we all believe the “doctor”. After all, they have science on there side and science trumps everything, right? Wrong! This is absolutely false.

In all the experiments conducted in science, they always try to control one variable amongst all of them. They want to see what effect that one variable has on all the others by controlling it. The scientists want to say, well, we controlled everything and it was just the cigarettes. This can’t be done as it’s impossible to do. You can’t find one variable that is in isolation in anything.

This is the same concept we have with nutrition, i.e., someone saying, hey, I need more lycopene. Well, I hate to break this to you but there are no lycopene pills growing on trees. There is nothing in nature that happens in isolation.

Treatment Alternatives For Cancer Treatment Work Incredibly Well Together In A Synergistic Approach

To illustrate this point further, let’s list all the nutrients contained inside an apple;  vitamin a, magnesium, vitamin c, potassium, fiber, etc. People then try to break it down and say  what quantity of each nutrient relative to the others do I need? People are trying to understand the apple, however, animals which are still connected to nature just eat the apple get the benefits and go on.

And here we humans are trying to figure out what part of the apple is the best? What is it in the apple that we really need? We don’t need the whole apple, we just need this one thing! What’s the essence of apple, this is what society is always looking for and it’s our insanity. There is no essence of anything, there is no one thing.

To answer the question on one cancer treatment that’s better than the rest, we first need to clarify that cancer is not a “one thing that happened”. Cancer happens as a consequence of a fundamental flaw in cellular  respiration.  And, to clarify, there are many things that contribute to a flaw in cellular respiration. Toxins in food, air and water, emotional issues, toxic relationships, radiation, etc.

Controlling and modifying all of these things that contribute to creating cancer is necessary and remember there is no one thing you can do with cancer. People believing this and being taught this contributes to the problem. People think for example they can just have surgery and be done with cancer, not true. Your oncologist will then tell you well, we got the tumor with surgery but we need to now do radiation and chemotherapy. And this conventional process just continues to the demise of the person with cancer.

All Alternative Treatments For Cancer Are Good But Not One Of Them On Their Own Is Sufficient

What the oncologist failed to tell you was the surgery, radiation and chemotherapy contributed to the spread of cancer. When we work with cancer here at An Oasis of Healing, it is multi-faceted in it’s approach to treatments. Your biochemistry needs to be changed in your body so that it is no longer attractive to cancer. In other words, your body chemistry no longer allows cancer to survive in your body.

We do this through nutrition and diet, colon hydrotherapy, lymphatic system drainage, going to bed early, balancing your hormones, teaching you to meditate, exercise programs and working with you on your relationships to name just a few. All of this contributes to your body no longer producing cancer and that’s just one part of it. The second part is targeting and eliminating the cancer / tumor without harming you. This is where we use our Metabolic medicine and therapies such as vitamin c, ozone and B17 to name a few.

And the third thing we do here is wake up the immune system. Cancer is very clever and hypnotizes the immune system and says we don’t see me, you can’t see me and the immune system can’t see it. The immune system is susceptible and cancer cells are very good at putting the immune system to sleep. The third part of our comprehensive cancer care program focuses on waking up the immune system so the cancer can’t hide.

So which treatment is really good or which one is the best? They are all really good but not one of them is sufficient enough to eradicate cancer on it’s own. This is where our cancer care program excels. No other center offers what we do for someone with cancer.



The post Treatment Alternatives For Cancer Which Is Best? appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

The Way This Mom Explained Her Stretch Marks Caused Her Daughter to Ask, 'When Can I Get Some?'

What You Need to Know About Vitamin D and Cancer

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What You Need to Know About Vitamin D and Cancer

This article originally appeared on 

Vitamin D helps build healthy bones, but that’s not all it can do. More recent data point to other potential benefits, including staving off dementia and protecting against certain cancers, such as colon and breast cancer.

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But how strong is the evidence? In a new study published in JAMA, Joan Lappe, from the Creighton College of Nursing, and her colleagues randomly assigned about 2,300 women who had gone through menopause to take high doses of vitamin D or a placebo. They tracked the women for four years and look out for any cancer diagnoses.

There were no differences in cancer rates between the two groups, but Lappe says that doesn’t mean that vitamin D doesn’t have an effect on cancer. The women in the study tended to already have high levels of vitamin D in their blood—higher than about 80% of U.S. adults, she notes. Most of the women in the study, even in the placebo group, were taking vitamin D or calcium supplements to try to protect their bones and prevent falls and fractures. That means there may not be much difference in cancer outcomes between the group assigned placebo and the women taking the high doses of vitamin D supplements.

RELATED: 9 Recipes That Contain Vitamin D

Animal studies suggest a number of different ways that vitamin D could be working against cancer. The vitamin stimulates the immune system, which in turn can be activated to target cancer cells; vitamin D may also fight inflammation and other processes that can trigger tumor growth. “I still think the composite of all the evidence together strongly suggests some effect of vitamin D on decreasing cancer risk,” Lappe says.

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Not everyone is so encouraged, and many believe that more research on the topic is needed before vitamin D can be considered an anti-cancer weapon. Many cancers take years to develop, and even in the older population in the current study, a longer follow-up period may be necessary to see reliable trends in cancer rates.

What cancer doctors do agree upon, however, is the fact that vitamin D’s potential link to cancer is worth investigating. Studies involving tens of thousands of people who will be assigned high doses of vitamin D or placebo and followed for cancer and heart disease outcomes are ongoing, and their results will continue to add to knowledge about whether vitamin D can be used to combat cancer.

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What You Need to Know About Vitamin D and Cancer was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Alternative Treatment For Cancer Is One Better Than Another

Watch on YouTube here: Alternative Treatment For Cancer Is One Better Than Another

Delectable Avocado Ice Cream Recipe

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Delectable Avocado Ice Cream Recipe Avocados have a long list of potential health benefits. Here's an avocado ice cream recipe to help you reap the benefits of this amazing fruit.
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Delectable Avocado Ice Cream Recipe was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

10 Fast Facts About Silver Fillings

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10 Fast Facts About Silver Fillings Mercury is one of the most potent neurotoxins known to man, and it has no safe levels in the body. Watch this video to know more about the dangers of mercury brought by silver fillings.
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10 Fast Facts About Silver Fillings was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

4 Natural ‘Cures’ That Can Wreak Havoc on Your Health

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4 Natural ‘Cures’ That Can Wreak Havoc on Your Health
Doctors explain why you should steer clear of activated charcoal, the Chinese herb aconite, and more.
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4 Natural ‘Cures’ That Can Wreak Havoc on Your Health was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

95% of scientists FAIL this SCIENCE QUIZ

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95% of scientists FAIL this SCIENCE QUIZ
Astonishingly, 95% of status quo scientists FAIL this simple science quiz that asks questions about the speed of light, carbon dioxide and more. Can YOU pass this science quiz? Listen and learn... Read more science news at and
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95% of scientists FAIL this SCIENCE QUIZ was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News


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Although nearly all women agree that "NO means NO," when it comes to vaccines and the government's medical tyranny, they claim that "NO means YES!" Under vaccine mandates, the pharma-influenced government can force your body to be penetrated, invaded, contaminated and harmed with toxic chemicals, viral strains and heavy metals that cause permanent damage. It's time for all women to take a stand against vaccines. Don't miss The Truth About Vaccines summit at
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Vaccines VIOLATE WOMEN! was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

US Patent Awarded to Health Ranger for Anti-Radiation BREAKTHROUGH

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US Patent Awarded to Health Ranger for Anti-Radiation BREAKTHROUGH
The Health Ranger has just been awarded a U.S. patent for a breakthrough anti-radiation technology that eliminates up to 95% of radioactive cesium from food and water. He has since DONATED full manufacturing rights and licensing to governments of the world, to help them stockpile this lifesaving invention and save lives following nuclear accidents, terrorism or acts of war. Learn more at
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US Patent Awarded to Health Ranger for Anti-Radiation BREAKTHROUGH was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

An Oasis Of Healing Lifestyle

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An Oasis Of Healing lifestyle is lived daily by Ashley Grimmel who is the Nutritionist and Health Educator at our healing center. Ashley was recently interviewed and discusses living An Oasis Of Healing lifestyle she teaches people here at Oasis. She lives this lifestyle because she wants optimal health for herself and loves teaching those who need to adapt to this ...
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An Oasis Of Healing Lifestyle was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Delicious Mocktail Recipe with MSM

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Delicious Mocktail Recipe with MSM
Ingredients: - 1 cup mineral water - 1 tsp Chief Organics MSM Flakes ( - 1/4 cup lime juice - 8-10 mint leaves - 2 tbs Health Ranger Select Organic Maple Syrup ( - ice Directions: 1. Place mint, lime juice and maple syrup in glass. 2. Muddle lightly. 3. Add mineral water and MSM. Stir well. 4. Fill the glass to the top with ice. Garnish and enjoy! To learn more about Chief Organics MSM, visit:
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Delicious Mocktail Recipe with MSM was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News's GMO Awareness Week: Top GMO Myths Exposed

Reduce Inflammation Naturally and Melt Fat Easily! Genetic engineering is NOT the safe and beneficial technology that it is touted to be. Take action now, join's GMO Awareness Week, and help spread the word about the health dangers of genetic engineering.
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This feed powered by Epigenetics And Nutrition's GMO Awareness Week: Top GMO Myths Exposed was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

This Is the Happiest Country in the World

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This Is the Happiest Country in the World
It's not the U.S.
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This Is the Happiest Country in the World was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

The Stock Market ILLUSION Explained

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The Stock Market ILLUSION Explained
The "wealth" created by rising stock prices is just an illusion, explains the Health Ranger in this educational animation video. Follow the math and you'll realize how stock market "wealth" is almost entirely fictional... which is why it can disappear so quickly in a crash. Learn more at
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The Stock Market ILLUSION Explained was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Monday, March 20, 2017

SoulCycle Master Instructor Stacey Griffith Shares How Fitness Helped Her After Hitting Rock Bottom

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SoulCycle Master Instructor Stacey Griffith Shares How Fitness Helped Her After Hitting Rock Bottom

This article originally appeared on 

Griffith has been teaching at SoulCycle for 11 years, becoming a senior master instructor and even going on a motivational tour with Oprah.

But Griffith didn’t always lead a health-conscious life. In her new book, Two Turns from Zero, she reveals that she struggled with self-confidence, which led to her to drink excessively, do drugs and party.

“It was self-doubt and fear,” Griffith, 49, tells PEOPLE of what led her to rock bottom. “I had a lot of fear of failure. I had that voice in my head. My whole life I thought, I didn’t finish college so I was never going to succeed.”

Even when she was battling her demons, Griffith says exercise was a constant force in her life.

“I always had fitness,” she says. “The stumbling block is usually, how do you get off the couch? How do you leave the house? I need to bring this back to fitness because fitness will heal you. I focused on my fitness. I got certified on every single aspect of the body, every class, I’m certified on six different bikes. I had that confidence and I had the knowledge. Knowledge really is power.”

RELATED: A Hairdresser's Viral Before-and-After Photos of a Client Prove How Debilitating Depression Can Be

Griffith decided to share her personal story in her book, which also includes fitness advice, nutrition counseling and meditations, because she wanted readers to be able to relate to her journey.

“I wanted people to get to know me,” she says. “I wanted to have that personal story because it took a lot for me to get here. This did not happen overnight. This is years of discovery, and going from A to Z and getting a little tripped up on the initial letters. I just pulled it together, and the book is all about how you can pull together.”

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Griffith truly believes that fitness can be healing for anyone that embraces it.

“My book teaches people how to manifest the things they want in their life through exercising,” she says. “If you don’t have a SoulCycle in your community, you have a YMCA, you have a community center, you have a hike, you have a lake. You have to go out and you have to move.”

She also emphasizes the importance of surrounding yourself with a supportive network, and not being afraid to ask for help.

RELATED: Depressed? 12 Mental Tricks to Turn It Around

“You have to have your squad,” says Griffith. “If you don’t have a group around you that’s giving you positive motivation and good advice, then you have to change your squad.”

Griffith also believes small steps can lead to major progress, and emphasizes the importance of focusing on the bigger picture.

“It starts with purpose,” she says. “Write down affirmations, make lists of what you have to do to get your head on straight, things as simple as ‘Walk’ and ‘Call your mom.’ “

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Delectable Avocado Ice Cream Recipe

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Delectable Avocado Ice Cream Recipe Avocados have a long list of potential health benefits. Here's an avocado ice cream recipe to help you reap the benefits of this amazing fruit.
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Delectable Avocado Ice Cream Recipe was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Friday, March 17, 2017

Why Perfectly Healthy People Are Using Diabetes Monitors

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Why Perfectly Healthy People Are Using Diabetes Monitors

This article originally appeared on 

For about a month, Tabb Firchau, an entrepreneur living in Seattle, has been wearing a continuous glucose monitor (CGM), a federally approved medical device that tracks blood sugar levels for people with diabetes. The CGM patch has a small needle that probes the inside of his arm, and a sensor that tracks changes to his blood sugar in real-time. The data is then sent to his smartphone.

Firchau bought his CGM off eBay for about $300. “I track almost everything, from sleep to exercise,” says Firchau. “I’ve been trying to learn why some days I feel fantastic, and other days I don’t. I had a cinnamon roll recently and my blood glucose doubled in 60 minutes. The monitor helps you understand the costs of the decisions you are making.”

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He couldn’t get one from his doctor, because Firchau doesn’t actually have diabetes. Rather, he’s part of a small but growing group of people who are wearing CGMs to track—and then hack—what goes on in their own bodies. And if enterprising startups like Sano Intelligence, which Gizmodo wrote about in February, are successful, a CGM marketed to the general public may not that be far off.

A healthy person wearing a diabetes device may seem odd, but in the quantified-self movement, people like Firchau say it makes sense to track their blood sugar, especially given all the recent attention to the risks associated with overconsumption of sugar and processed carbohydrates, like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

Everyone’s blood sugar levels change throughout the day, and especially after they eat, but those fluctuations are important to track for people with diabetes, since their body doesn’t regulate blood sugar on its own. For people without diabetes, however, the pancreas naturally releases insulin to keep levels in check.

Since the first CGM was approved in 2005, some people with diabetes have used the devices to help monitor their blood sugar, rather than take finger pricks throughout the day to check it manually. The devices take a measurement every one to five minutes, and people can set alarms to alert them whenever their levels are dangerously high or low.

“I think it’s chuckle-worthy and interesting that a diabetes tool would make its way mainstream,” says Aaron Kowalski, chief mission officer at the diabetes nonprofit JDRF, who also has type 1 diabetes. “ But I guarantee if you wore one to McDonald’s, your blood sugar would spike and you’d learn a lot about nutrition.”

RELATED: 5 Strange Symptoms That Could Be Early Signs of Diabetes

Using a CGM, even when it’s medically necessary, is not cheap. Parts of the device have to be replaced every couple of weeks or months and it’s estimated that CGMs cost $5–10 per day, or around $3,000 a year. For people with type 1 diabetes, that can be covered by insurance. But people without the disease must either convince a doctor to prescribe one or purchase them online on sites like eBay. Even if a doctor prescribes one, it’s highly unlikely insurance would cover it for someone without diabetes.

Five diabetes experts I spoke with for this story do not think the trend is dangerous. Though a CGM is attached to the wearer’s body, it’s considered a minimally invasive device. “I don’t think there’s any risk,” says Boris Kovatchev, director of the University of Virginia (UVA) Center for Diabetes Technology. “Unless people get too fixated.”

Some doctors who don’t have diabetes even wear CGMs themselves. Dr. Steven Russell, a diabetes expert at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, and his research collaborator Dr. Ed Damiano of Boston University, say they wear CGM monitors semi-regularly for demonstration purposes and to test new versions—and they learn a lot each time.

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“I am fascinated to see how my blood glucose changes after different meals,” says Russell. “You look at that muffin and remember what it did your blood glucose, and make a different choice. There’s no reason why people without diabetes wouldn’t be interested that.”

During a particularly stressful point in his life, Damiano—who is quite far along in developing and bringing to market a bionic pancreas—says he noticed his blood sugar running higher than normal. “It was a clear indication that stress has an impact on you, even without diabetes,” he says. “It caused me to make a deliberate decision to deal with [the stress].”

Exercise is known to be helpful for blood sugar regulation and Damiano says he notices “profound” drops in his blood sugar while on walks in the woods with his wife. “If you have a meal and blood sugar rises, take a walk, it’s like magic,” he says. “It can reinforce people to think about exercise after meals.”

RELATED: 9 Ways to Quit Sugar for Good

However, experts admit there’s no research showing wearing a CGM can improve a person without diabetes’ health. So far all evidence is anecdotal. Though it’s unlikely the devices would cause any major safety problems beyond possible rashes or infections at the injection site, that hasn’t been studied in people without diabetes either. UVA’s Kovatchev also argues that CGMs could be more helpful for people without diabetes with some fine-tuning. “There’s a need for some analytics that could process the data appropriately and provide [actionable] information to people versus a datastream every five minutes,” he says.

That reality may not be so far off. As Gizmodo reported in February, the company Sano Intelligence is planning to release a CGM for the general public. The device may be released in beta later this year.

Firchau says he believes monitoring blood sugar via CGM will likely become common practice. “It motivates you,” he says. “I see a future where this is an incredible tool to empower people to take control of what goes into their mouth.” Until then, it remains a helpful device for people with chronic disease, and a plaything for personal data enthusiasts.

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Why Perfectly Healthy People Are Using Diabetes Monitors was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Dragon Fruit: The Little Known Benefits of This Delicious Treat

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Dragon Fruit: The Little Known Benefits of This Delicious Treat Dragon fruits have a surprising number of health benefits, from a strengthened immune system and faster healing of bruises and wounds to fewer respiratory problems. Watch this video or visit to know more about this amazing fruit.
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Dragon Fruit: The Little Known Benefits of This Delicious Treat was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Thursday, March 16, 2017

What Causes Addiction It’s Not What You Think

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What causes addiction is not the obvious answer you have in your head right now, no, it is not drugs. The majority of people think the reason why people ultimately become addicted to drugs is based solely because of the drugs themselves. This couldn’t be further from the truth, as shown repeatedly by scientific studies on drug addiction. Here’s a question, ...
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What Causes Addiction It’s Not What You Think was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

lymphatic drainage therapyLymphatic drainage therapy is one of the healthiest things you could do for yourself in cleansing your body.

Lymphatic drainage therapy is the process of eliminating the body of its blockages or congestion. Once free of the congestion the body and all its systems can work optimally. These systems are the lymphatic system, the urinary system, and all other systems working constantly in the body. This therapy will certainly help develop optimal health.

Being an energetic healing modality, the way this therapy works, is each time you come in for a treatment, it builds cumulatively on the last treatment. We will go a little deeper, we’re going to release a little extra each treatment. The built-up congestion in your body didn’t happen all of a sudden and therefore can’t be eliminated overnight either. It took you years to accumulate it, so it’s going to take us a little bit of time to eradicate it and have your body working as it should at an optimal level.

Throughout your stay at An Oasis of Healing you can expect to have a minimum of 3 treatments a week. You most likely won’t notice much of anything during your first week of lymphatic treatments. In fact, you might not really feel much of anything. The treatment itself is very relaxing and enjoyable. It’s a calming therapy.

Like a massage, the treatment entails hands being run lightly over the body, however that’s where the similarity ends. For the actual treatment, you’ll be laying on a massage therapy table without your clothes. It’s like you’re getting an actual massage, however it’s not a massage. It’s a wonderful stress relieving treatment.

As your body develops energy because of the treatments and starts working in unison with it, you will absolutely begin to observe some changes. You’ll notice that your body is functioning slightly better, that you’re feeling better, that you’re sleeping sounder, and that things are simply starting to move a little bit better. You will also start to see those benefits. It’s a collective effect where the more treatments you receive the larger the positive health impact on your body.

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy Explained

For each successive treatment, we’ll be getting much deeper into detoxing your lymphatic system. While you’re at our healing center, we’re going to schedule you for as many lymphatic system drainage treatments as we can do to get as far as we possibly can in your treatment progress. What you’re receiving in just one therapy session with the lymphatic drainage treatment you would need eight regular massages to achieve close to the same results.

Another substantial benefit of this treatment is this therapy is creating cellular memory. In effect, we’re teaching the body to work as efficiently as possible. We’re reminding the immune system as well as the lymphatic system ways to operate where they’re working at their best! This will assist you in being a lot more successful in restoring your health.

Lymphatic drainage therapy is one among the many highly effective alternate cancer treatments that we offer at An Oasis of Healing. This effective therapy as well as the many others we administer at our center are part of our comprehensive cancer care program. You will leave our center with knowledge in hand that will enable you to stay with this way of life at home.

An important point to consider, why would you want to continue the exact same lifestyle when you return home that lead you to our center in the first place? It just makes good sense to continue at home what you learned during your stay with us.

The post Lymphatic Drainage Therapy appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

PREPPER ALERT: If you're not already prepping, you may be too late

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In this podcast, the Health Ranger warns that we should all probably get off the internet and focus on prepping and survival... Learn more at Or better yet, get off the internet and start prepping!
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PREPPER ALERT: If you're not already prepping, you may be too late was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Is the FLU SHOT an IQ test to eliminate stupid people?

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Is the FLU SHOT an IQ test to eliminate stupid people?
Is the flu shot a nationwide IQ test / experiment being run by globalists to "thin the herd" and eliminate people who are stupid enough to line up for flu shots? It sounds whacky, but this is exactly how globalists think... Learn more at and
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Is the FLU SHOT an IQ test to eliminate stupid people? was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Things I admire about PROGRESSIVES

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Things I admire about PROGRESSIVES
The Health Ranger reveals what he admires about progressives... and where they still need to learn more about how reality operates. Stay informed at
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Things I admire about PROGRESSIVES was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Prince's Ex Mayte Garcia on the Moment Their Son Amiir Was Born With a Rare Genetic Disorder

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In a new memoir, Prince’s ex-wife Mayte Garcia shares the story of their four-year marriage and the tragedy that tore them apart. Subscribe now for the exclusive excerpt – only in PEOPLE.

He was the baby Prince and his then-wife Mayte Garcia had long hoped for. They named him Amiir — Arabic for “prince” — while he was in Mayte’s womb, and listened to his heartbeat in anticipation of his birth. But the baby, born Oct. 16, 1996, had Pfeiffer syndrome type 2, a rare genetic disorder, and lived just six days.

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In her new memoir, The Most Beautiful: My Life with Prince, excerpted exclusively in this week’s PEOPLE, Garcia tells the story of their passionate love, their excitement about the baby, and the pain and heartbreak of Amiir’s short life which forever haunted them both.

“I don’t think he ever got over it,” Garcia, now 43, tells PEOPLE of her ex-husband, who died last April from an accidental overdose. “I don’t know how anybody can get over it. I know I haven’t.”

When Garcia, then 22, discovered she was pregnant, she and Prince were overjoyed at the thought of raising a family at their home in Paisley Park. The pregnancy went smoothly until she began bleeding one day and a doctor recommended an amniocentesis to test for genetic abnormalities. The procedure, the doctor warned, carried a risk of miscarriage.

Yet as the doctor told them: “Sometimes the body is trying to release the fetus for a reason.” But Prince, Garcia writes, was against it: “My husband said, ‘No, we’re not doing that.'”

Once home, the couple prayed for his health.

“Please, bless this child,” said Prince as he prayed on his knees. “We know you won’t allow this child to be harmed.”

But further exams revealed more complications.

During one appointment, the obstetrician told them the ultrasound measurements were off and said, “It’s possible that we’re seeing a form of dwarfism.”

Writes Garcia, “My husband and I looked at each other and shrugged. ‘And?’ he said. ‘I’m totally fine with that.’ I laughed. Of all the possible outcomes that had been offered to us, this was the first one that didn’t terrify me.”

Still, she writes, the doctor warned them of genetic abnormalities that could be life-threatening and again recommended an amnio, yet Prince continued to refuse medical intervention.

On Oct. 16, 1996, Garcia delivered their son via c-section. At first, she writes, she and Prince were elated: “I don’t know how to describe the look on my husband’s face. Pure joy.”

“And then they held the baby up to those harsh lights,” she continues. “The elation on my husband’s face turned to pure terror.”

“Pfeiffer syndrome type 2 is a genetic disorder that causes skeletal and systematic abnormalities,” she writes. “The premature fusing of the bones in the skull, sometimes resulting in ‘cloverleaf skull,’ in which the eyes are outside the sockets. The fusion of bones in the hands and feet causing a webbed or pawlike appearance … I learned all of this later.”

For much more on Mayte Garcia and the new Prince book, pick up the latest issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday.

After the O.R. nurses frantically began working to save Amiir’s life, she heard her husband saying, “Why is he not crying?”

“They brought the baby over to us,” she writes. “He was curled on his side, gasping shallow little gulps of air. Because there were no lids to blink, his eyes looked startled and dry. I caught hold of his tiny hand, saying over and over, ‘Mama loves you, Mama’s here.'”

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In the days that followed, Amiir underwent multiple procedures and the doctor recommended a tracheotomy. “After six days he was struggling to breathe,” writes Garcia. “And I said to the doctor, ‘He’s not leaving here, is he?'”

He died at six days old.

Garcia says sharing such wrenching memories in her book was difficult. “I’ve been making notes of my life but when it finally came time to write it, it took me back and I cried many tears,” she tells PEOPLE. “But I also think that it’s liberating.”

She wanted to make sure her book was one of the first to be published after Prince’s death last April. “I knew there was going to be a lot of stuff coming out about him, negative and positive,” she says. “I wanted mine to come from love.”

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Prince's Ex Mayte Garcia on the Moment Their Son Amiir Was Born With a Rare Genetic Disorder was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Carnie Wilson Will Undergo Surgery to Remove Ruptured Breast Implants

Do you see what no one else notices?

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Do you see what no one else notices?
In this podcast, the Health Ranger expresses how stunned he is to discover that most people are BLIND to things that are obvious to the rest of us. Stay informed at
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Do you see what no one else notices? was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

The one thing the VACCINE industry got right!

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The one thing the VACCINE industry got right!
Here's the one thing the vaccine industry got RIGHT about vaccines, immunology and science! Stay informed at
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The one thing the VACCINE industry got right! was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Tracy Anderson Talks About Her Body Image Struggles and Offers Advice for Teens in New Book

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Tracy Anderson Talks About Her Body Image Struggles and Offers Advice for Teens in New Book

This article originally appeared on 

Tracy Anderson has used her fitness expertise to shape some of Hollywood’s most notable bodies — including Jennifer Lopez and Gwyneth Paltrow — and now she’s using her research and experience to help teenage girls embrace their own bodies and get healthy in a positive way.

“After spending almost 20 focused years helping people find comfort in their own skin, I saw a huge preventative opportunity to make sure teen girls never lose their connection to being themselves and having to find it again,” Anderson tells PEOPLE about the inspiration for her new book, Total Teen: Tracy Anderson’s Guide to Health, Happiness, and Ruling Your World. “It’s hard for teens to show up for their health correctly when we live in such a trendy world.”

RELATED: This Is Tracy Anderson’s Go-To Arm Workout

She suggests that teens struggling with self-esteem take media images of the body with a grain of salt, and focus on being their best selves instead.

“Slow down the noise in your head,” she says. “It’s all a vicious cycle of some editor sitting up in some tower airbrushing people to look like something dreamy. The issue is that teens need to understand that this falls into entertainment and art. It isn’t real. When you can take a deep breath and recognize a human form that has been turned into art, versus the true natural beauty of the incredible human you are, you can come to appreciate your own physical self.”

“It would be so boring if we were all the same,” she continues. “Knowing that you are enough and you are who you are meant to be can really calm the noise.”

Anderson herself is no stranger to having body image issues. As a teenager, the Tracy Anderson Method creator struggled with body acceptance after inexplicably gaining weight that left her feeling uncomfortable in her own skin.

“At 19, I gained almost 40 lbs. at school,” she says. “There wasn’t a support system for me to learn what could be happening or identify and heal this imbalance in a healthy way. I felt awkward and ashamed going to class. I felt like I was failing unintentionally, and it ultimately made me feel like the roadblock was too big for me to live my passion successfully and in a healthy way.”

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Anderson says she finally got past these mental roadblocks when she met with a doctor who taught her how to find balance in her body by focusing on muscular structure.

“Studying his work initially unlocked hope for me that there really could be a solution to creating balance in our bodies before or when imbalances arise,” she says.

RELATED: Tracy Anderson's Best Moves for Killer Legs

Anderson got to a place where she felt comfortable with her body “when I got physically available to myself on my own terms,” she says. “I feel like this is truly key. There is so much noise about what is ‘pretty’ or ‘healthy’ or ‘sexy’ or ‘trendy’ with our physical bodies that people don’t even know how to own their own body or assess what they even want.”

In her book — due out in December — Anderson includes strength and dance cardio workouts and simple healthy recipes, but also shares motivational stories in hopes that they will inspire active living and positive self-image in young girls.

“It’s about physically respecting and processing what it means to be a balanced and healthy individual. I hope everyone walks away shining their lights even brighter.”

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Tracy Anderson Talks About Her Body Image Struggles and Offers Advice for Teens in New Book was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

CDC releases chicken pox vaccine INGREDIENTS!

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CDC releases chicken pox vaccine INGREDIENTS!
The CDC lays out the shocking truth about the ingredients used in chicken pox vaccines. According to the CDC, here are the ingredients used in chicken pox vaccines: human embryonic lung cell cultures, guinea pig cell cultures, human diploid cell cultures (WI-38), human diploid cell cultures (MRC-5), sucrose, hydrolyzed gelatin, sodium chloride, monosodium L-glutamate, sodium phosphate dibasic, potassium phosphate monobasic, potassium chloride, EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), neomycin, fetal bovine serum Natural News article source: CDC document source: Natural News backup document server:
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CDC releases chicken pox vaccine INGREDIENTS! was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Dragon Fruit: The Little Known Benefits of This Delicious Treat

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Dragon Fruit: The Little Known Benefits of This Delicious Treat Dragon fruits have a surprising number of health benefits, from a strengthened immune system and faster healing of bruises and wounds to fewer respiratory problems. Watch this video or visit to know more about this amazing fruit.
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Dragon Fruit: The Little Known Benefits of This Delicious Treat was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

8 Top Nuts and Seeds

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8 Top Nuts and Seeds If you ever find yourself hungry and at a loss for a healthy snack, a handful of raw nuts or seeds is always a good choice. Here are eight nuts and seeds you can try.
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8 Top Nuts and Seeds was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Monday, March 13, 2017

Try This Meditation Technique to Quiet Your Inner Critic Once and for All

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Try This Meditation Technique to Quiet Your Inner Critic Once and for All
Practicing lovingkindness can help you become kinder to yourself (and your enemies too). Here's how to get started.
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Try This Meditation Technique to Quiet Your Inner Critic Once and for All was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News

Calif. Sen. Richard Pan caught LYING about human fetal cells in vaccines

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Calif. Sen. Richard Pan caught LYING about human fetal cells in vaccines
California state senator Richard Pan just can’t stop lying about vaccines. Two years ago, he was caught blatantly lying about mercury in vaccines, attempting to push the blatantly false, anti-science fiction that mercury is somehow safe to inject into children. Now, he’s been caught on video, falsely claiming that aborted human fetal tissue cell lines are not used in vaccines when even the CDC list them prominently in the excipients (ingredients) lists for multiple vaccines (see list below). See the full story with sources at:
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Calif. Sen. Richard Pan caught LYING about human fetal cells in vaccines was originally posted by Breaking Alternative Health News