Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Integrative Oncology Review Of Our Arizona Cancer Center

integrative oncology reviewThis is an integrative oncology review of our healing clinic which is an Arizona Cancer Center helping people from all around the US and abroad.

The healing center was founded over 10 years ago now. The founder, Dr. Lodi, had a goal to bring together the best healing therapies and modalities from around the world. That original goal has been achieved. Looking at an integrative oncology review it’s easy to see the additions and expanion on what works for the benefit of the people who visit this center.

The focus is on alternative cancer treatments that challenge the cancer cells at a metabolic level. Why is this important? It brings about natural cell death of the cancer cells or an apoptotic death.

Conducting an integrative oncology review of our therapies would show how we approach things from a metabolic point of view. This is natural way to heal from cancer. It prevents all of the harsh toxic treatments used in the conventional world which are quite barbaric.

People who have visited An Oasis of Healing have generally done their homework and reviewed several other cancer treatment centers as well. Here is some feedback from some of those visitors before they choose our healing clinic. “Conventional oncology wards have patients that look truly sickly in an extremely sterilized atmosphere.”

Also, these visitors actually had a thorough understanding of the ill-advised emphasis of the conventional cancer sector as they concentrate on symptoms in every field of medicine. Conversely, we have an interest in healing the root cause and restoring the body to health.

The body desires nothing greater than to save us. Until we get it together and transform our everyday way of living, cancer will continue. It’s not the adversary, it’s a warning mechanism.

Integrative Oncology Review Of An Oasis Of Healing Which Is An Arizona Cancer Center

Additionally, here is some feedback from some visitors of their first impression when walking in through the front doors of the center. “Upon walking into the center, it’s so inviting and also there’s much happening. You can’t miss smell of the juices being freshly pressed and people are relaxing in reclining chairs. Many do not even look like patients that are sick. Some were certainly not well, however, they just appeared to be a lot more comfy.”

A challenge all visitors are confronted with using integrative oncology and selecting alternate cancer therapies over standard methods is embracing a brand-new way of living. An Oasis Of Healing helps individuals and family members bring this brand-new way of life home and how to apply it.

We have actually found that homes that support the family member affected by cancer by accepting this brand-new way of living benefit as well. The wellness of the entire household is boosted greatly when this way of living is accepted and implemented.

Individuals that come to visit our recovery facility are taught how the body can self-heal. People simply need to discover how to let the body do its healing thing and stay out of the way. Our center demonstrates how this is done. We also supply the resources that test cancer cells metabolically while bringing no harm to healthy cells.

We provide individualized therapy especially made for an individual’s circumstance which offers the most effective chance to restore health.

The post Integrative Oncology Review Of Our Arizona Cancer Center appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Extreme Health Radio Show Features Dr. Thomas Lodi

Extreme Health Radio ShowThe Extreme Health Radio Show featured Dr. Thomas Lodi recently on their wonderful program.

The Extreme Health Radio show is focused on promoting true health. Their focus is not treating just symptoms which is why it was an honor for Dr. Lodi to by interviewed by Justin Stellman.

The following are highlights from the radio show. I will include the full length video below as well if you wish to listen to the program in it’s entirety.

Justin acknowledged that Dr. Lodi was recently at The Truth About Cancer Live Symposium in Texas where he was a guest speaker. Both agreed that it is great to finally have money behind the true second opinion. This gives people the chance to be informed by a true second opinion before making what will probably be the most important decision of their lives.

Justin asked Dr. Lodi if he still practice standard medicine and his answer was no he didn’t. The doctors that practice standard conventional medicine function and operate from a completely different paradigm. Our healing center, An Oasis Of Healing uses Integrative Oncology where we take the best of all the different healing disciplines and design a specific individual plan for each person.

We have found that no one system has all the answers. This is the reason why we combine the best of all healing modailities available. This is the best way to help that person in need of treatment. When you have someone with cancer who’s life depends on what you do you need to ensure that you have the best and safest therapies available.

Justin next asked a really good question. He asked of all ways available to help reverse cancer how do you determine the best protocol to use for each person? Mr. Stellman’s question comes from the paradigm that does not work and this gives Dr. Lodi a chance to clarify why that is.

The paradigm is the one we have all been indoctrinated with by the conventional medical model. The medical model bases their beliefs on two things. The first is that DNA runs the show, therefore whatever you are born with you are stuck with.

Cancer is a homeostatic corrective measure the same as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, etc.

The second part the medical model has us believing that diseases are entities or things. They want us to believe that a certain disease somehow got into your body. And now you need a magic potion to get rid of it which is completely absurd.

The human body is part of nature and nature has specific laws that operate under necessity and not morality. Here is an example of this. Think of a flock of birds flying together in the sky that turn all together perfectly. They did this without rehearsal or training and they act on instinct.Well, our body being part of nature has this as well and it’s called homeostasis.

Let’s say a person is eating inappropriately for their biology by consuming pizza and cheese burgers, consequently, their arteries will fill up and narrow. The body’s wisdom reacts wanting to maintain proper blood flow to help prevent a stroke or heart attack.

How will the body maintain proper blood flow with narrowing arteries, as a result of increasing blood pressure. This person goes to the doctors office and the doctor says that they have a disease called high blood pressure, therefore they need a synthetic drug to fix that disease. The truth is the high blood pressure is currently saving that person’s life.

It’s called a homeostatic corrective measure and it’s the same thing with diabetes. Our body’s cells become insulin resistant so that we don’t die from the sugar overload. It’s the same thing with cancer where the body will perform homestatic corrective measures in order to keep you alive.

The same fundamental process occurs that produces cancer whether it’s brain or colon or breast cancer.

Those are just locations where the cancer happened to develop and the location can determine the complexity in treating it.

To hear the rest of the interview from the Extreme Health Radio Show with Justin Stellman and Dr. Thomas Lodi, watch this video here. They go deeper into the subject of cancer and what causes it’s development as well as the importance of a ketogenic diet in helping heal from cancer.

Extreme Health Radio Show With Dr. Lodi Also Discusses The Importance Of A Ketogenic Diet


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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Calming The Mind And Body

calming the mind and bodyMeditation for calming the mind and body is essential for restoring and maintaining health.

The objective is to silence the thoughts in our minds and this can be achieved through meditation used for calming the mind and body.

In our every day lives we are not understanding what we say to ourselves. We go through each day saying out loud “I’m going to beat this” and conversely in our heads we are saying “I’m really not well”.

What steps need to be taken to vanquish the crazy man talking inside your head? This is very important to understand and then of course know what to do. If the crazy man is left alone with free reign he can and most likely will do you in.

How is it that you get rid of them? There is one very powerful way to do this, you simply stop believing “the crazy man” in your head exists. This can be achieved through meditation for calming the mind and body.

Meditation For Calming The Mind And Body

When it comes to thinking, you have no say in the matter as thinking is involuntary. When it comes to deciding what to think, it’s impossible. What would happen if you were allowed to decide what to actually think? You would end up spending all day long on what to think tomorrow and never get anything done today.

Thinking is an involuntary spontaneous act.

Our thoughts are provided to us, let me explain. For example, are you actually beating your heart, are you the one breathing your lungs, are you secreting your glands? The answer is no, you’re not doing any of these things. It’s important to remember we are in fact human beings, not human doings.

The whole goal is for you to still your mind and you can do this through meditation; calming the mind and body. That’s why humans like to talk to people because we would go crazy if we had to keep our mouths closed all day and not talk.

As an example, what’s the worst thing you could do to someone who is in prison? Put them into solitary confinement. It has been proven that being alone with your mind will drive you insane.

At our healing center, we educate and teach you how to restore and maintain your health. Meditation for calming the mind and body is just one of many therapies that are part of our comprehensive cancer care program. We design a unique care program that is tailored for each individual based on their specific circumstances.


The post Calming The Mind And Body appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Value Of Getting A Third Opinion

The value of getting a third opinion

This is intended to help educate individuals on the value of getting a third opinion and is crucial for a clear point of view when it comes to your health.

Currently, we have all become aware of people going in to get second opinions. Nonetheless, in reality, they are not truly second opinions. They are really the first opinion given twice by two different doctors, hence the value of getting a third opinion.

If you go to any oncologist who has been trained by the conventional medical system they are going to give you the exact same opinion. They could vary slightly but usually not by much at all supplying the same basic treatment protocol.

It’s much like going to two completely separate Ford dealers; they are definitely not going to sell you a Dodge. I do not consider that as a second opinion nor should you.

Lets say you visit John Hopkins, Sloane Kettering as well as MD Anderson and they all state the exact same thing. What you got was not an initial opinion and two second opinions; you actually were given three first opinions.

What I want to do is provide a 3rd opinion. Getting a third opinion is when we take a look at cancer from a totally unique perspective. This paradigm will not be utilizing the current medical industry version. The medical version sees people being a target of their genetics, claiming that DNA runs every little thing. And that health conditions and sickness are simply unlucky.

The clinical model positions things to where they have you think that your only answer is the big pharma, medications and also medical physicians from the things you can not handle. This is the clinical version.

The Value Of Getting A Third Opinion Is Priceless

The model by nature to consider shows that our genes are in fact only blueprints and they are reacting to the atmosphere that they are part of inside the body. Genes are response systems; they are not the ones managing the fate.

The medical industry model says health problems are “diseases” like in some way heart disease or cancer snuck into your body. They would view it as you just being unlucky. The model I adhere to is one which agrees with nature.

It’s one that says the reason why there is hypertension or cancer is the body is compensating to stay in balance or in a state or equilibrium. We should not be focusing on those countervailing conditions; we should be working to eliminate the reason that the body needs to do those things in the first place.

The health model I follow removes the myth of disease. It’s one where we understand that our bodies are one with nature. The reason the body has these issues such as hypertension is because we have violated natural law.

By returning to as well as living according to natural law, our body hums. This is the opposite to how the medical industry trains their doctors. They train them to be managers of disease which I discovered in medical school.  I don’t endorse that model, I promote health.

Where there is health, there is no disease. And remember this as it’s crucial, that which is needed to be restored to health, the very same is needed to maintain it.

At our healing center, we can help you and educate you so you are a full participant in restoring your health and more importantly maintaining it once it is restored.

The post The Value Of Getting A Third Opinion appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

High Dose Vitamin C Therapy

Watch on YouTube here: High Dose Vitamin C Therapy
via Dr. Thomas Lodi