Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Nature Of Nature Is Healing

the nature of nature is healingMore people are waking up to the fact that the nature of nature is healing!

The two things that we are told that we have to do as children by our patents and society are as follows; to control and predict. Both of these are impossible. The nature of nature is healing, it’s why cuts heal. The old joke is if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.

The point is, you can’t control and predict anything. What I see in people who are really sick is that they are losing control, apparent control, and that struggle and fight is compounding the problem. What they are not doing is “being” in the moment. Every moment along the way where we are not trying to change it while being totally present is blissful.

A magic pill implies that something is wrong and that the pill is going to fix what is wrong.

Right here’s an example, let’s say I have a high temperature. Western culture see’s that as a Tylenol deficiency and would end up taking the Tylenol to stop the fever. Now, if people comprehended that the immune system works optimally at 103.5 degrees, they would certainly embrace the high temperature. They would understand it was eliminating something in our body that shouldn’t be there.

Now, the lizard and snake that don’t know that and are not warm blooded, they crawl onto a hot rock and bake in the sun out of instinct. They do this to get their white blood cells functioning better.

What more people need to recognize is the body is divinely driven, it’s divinely crafted as well as it functions really well. The body’s job is to recover, period. If you cut the body, it will heal, if you scratch a Maserati, it does not heal. The body is a magical thing.

If the nature of nature is healing and this should be taught in all medical schools

The only time the body is not recovering is when something is in the way. The only time that water does not run downhill is something is in the way. Water will certainly always run downhill due to the fact that when you get rid of the barrier, it proceeds downhill.

It’s the same with the human body and the very best thing we can do is to get out of our own way and also return to the living in harmony with nature. Living in harmony with nature and eating real whole food, green juicing, getting proper rest, as well as exercise. An Oasis Of Healing can guide you in getting out of your own way permitting your body to heal naturally.

To actually take a pill means that person doesn’t understand. When someone has high blood pressure or cancer or heart disease, that is the body keeping that person alive. If these processes weren’t happening, for example, with high blood pressure, the blood wouldn’t be able to get through and the organs wouldn’t get enough oxygen and the person would die.

If people truly understand this then what they need to do is realize that somehow they have got into their own way and their own natural ability to heal.

The post The Nature Of Nature Is Healing appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Emotions And Their Effects On The Body

Watch on YouTube here: Emotions And Their Effects On The Body
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu61175aI-xV-U4_vtGE5A/videos

How Do Emotions Affect Your Health

how do emotions affect your healthHow do emotions affect your health as you’re healing from cancer or just trying to stay as healthy as possible?

So, how do emotions affect your health both positively and negatively? To best illustrate this, let me share with you here an example. There are two systems in our body that regulate the way the body works, the nervous system which is the brain and the peripheral nerves. The second is the endocrine system which is the hormone system.

These are the two main control mechanisms of the body which control a lot of the organ and cellular functioning. These two systems actually connect together at a place in the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus releases chemicals that stimulate the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is often referred to as a master gland of the body.

As the master gland of the body, the pituitary gland tells the ovaries, testies, thyroid and adrenal glands what to do. Now, let’s imagine this, two thirty year old women become roomates. This was a result of one of them running an ad. It ends up they really like each other and they get along very well. And, within one to two months, they find out they are menstruating at the same time.

Now, they did not plan this, they didn’t think or talk about it, it just happened. That’s the power of the neuroendocrine axis. It’s very settle but it is a very real thing. We know that positive emotions stimulate our natural killer cells. Natural killer cells are lymphocytes which are a certain type of white blood cell. They kill cancer and virally infected cells and cells that have intracellular parasites.

How do emotions affect your health and the best ways to keep them in balance

We know for a fact that laughter increases not only the number of natural killer cells but also their ability to do what they need to do. Also, we know that fear, doubt, pain, all these things diminish our natural killer cell count and effectiveness. We can actually measure these effects. That should be enough for us to realize that impact of positive versus negative emotions.

I was thinking back to an experiment I read back about when I was in graduate school. They had a group of people are these red hot iron pokers and then they blinded them and had only placed an ice cube on their hand. The skin on their hands actually shriveled up as if it had been burned as they were anticipating heat.

It’s incredibly powerful and because of that power, one of the many things we do at An Oasis Of Healing is teach people to laugh, meditate and still the mind. This is just as important as the nutritional aspect. When the emotional piece and the nutritional piece are both in check, this has profound positive effects on our long term health.



The post How Do Emotions Affect Your Health appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

This Is The Reason Why Cancer Feeds On Sugar

this is the reason why cancer feeds on sugarThis is the reason why cancer feeds on sugar and it’s important to understand in terms of prevention.

This is the reason why cancer feeds on sugar explained in detail below, it’s not a myth. The most vulnerable part of our cells is what’s called the mitochondria. Mitochondria are the little organelles inside of a cell that take glucose and oxygen and produce ATP. ATP is the energy currency in biological systems.

For example, if you want a certain pump to work on a cell membrane you may need 4 ATP a second or 35 ATP a second. It’s the currency of biological energy. The main factories for that are the mitochondria. The mitochondria are dispersed in plenty around the cell.

The mitochondria have oxygen so they are flammable metaphorically speaking. Just like someone who wears an oxygen mask and has been encouraged not to smoke a cigarette. What happens is oxygen produces oxidative by-products which are damaging and that’s why mitochondria are replaced so frequently. They are the only organelle in the cell that has its own DNA.

It does not rely on the DNA of the nucleus of the cell as it has its own DNA which we inherit from our mothers. Our longevity is based on our maternal history. However, no one even knows their own maternal history because our mothers are eating unhealthy and living an unnatural lifestyle. We don’t know how long they would have lived had they lived a natural lifestyle. I never take a family history as it is irrelevant.

If You Want To Restore And Maintain Health Then it’s Best To Avoid Cancer’s Number One Fuel – Sugar

The organelles are responsible for the production of energy. They allow the cell to do whatever it’s going to do. The mitochondria are vulnerable and if they are living in a sea of toxins, these would be the first to die off. If you lose a certain critical mass of mitochondria then the energy that is needed to maintain the metabolic functions of the body is lost.

So, what does the body do in this case? Well, it does what the body always does and starts doing a homeostatic dance to keep us alive. The homeostatic dance in the face of this situation is to go into a fermentation or glycolysis. Glycolysis or fermentation is what our body does when it is unable to metabolize with oxygen.

To illustrate this point, let’s assume someone is not a regular runner and they go and run two blocks and at the end of the two blocks their thighs are on fire and aching. Why are their thighs on fire? Because they exceeded their aerobic capacity. In order to stay alive, their body went into glycolysis or anaerobic metabolism or fermentation which are all the same thing.

This is the reason why cancer feeds on sugar explained in detail in this video

The by-product of fermentation is lactic acid. Lactic acid is what is causing the burning in the non-runners legs. So the runner stops and starts breathing out repeatedly which blows out carbon dioxide which balances out the lactic acid and PH.

Now, because that non-runners cells in their muscles still have plenty of mitochondria they go back to aerobic metabolism. With cancer, there is no mitochondria because they have been beaten up and so they stay in a chronic lactic acid production state and become chronically fermentating cells.

When a cell is getting its energy through fermentation and it’s not using oxygen, it no longer needs antioxidant enzymes and gets rid of them. However, cancer cells are nineteen times less efficient at producing energy then a normal cell. In order to survive they need nineteen times more fuel. That fuel is glucose and that is the reason why cancer feeds on sugar.

This is why pet scans are done. When a pet scan is done, a radioactive glucose is injected in the body and the body is scanned to see where there is a rapid uptake of glucose. If the uptake of glucose is high enough then we can say that area is where there is some cancer.

Then you go to that same doctor and he says it doesn’t matter what you eat. The person asks, so it doesn’t matter what I eat, you mean I can eat sugar? And, the doctor says absolutely, no problem. Then why it is that the person had to come in fasting for this test and the doctor says don’t ask me these questions, I went to medical school.

The post This Is The Reason Why Cancer Feeds On Sugar appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

What To Know About A Second Opinion For A Cancer Diagnosis

second opinion for a cancer diagnosisI wanted to discuss what to know about a second opinion for a cancer diagnosis. 

The reason I wanted to share this with you is I think people are confused when it comes to what a second opinion for a cancer diagnosis really means. When we get a second opinion we are really looking for another perspective on what we have been told.

If a person were to go to one of the big cancer centers like MD Anderson and get a diagnosis and specific treatment plan and then want a second diagnosis. Well, they can certainly go to Dana Farber or Sloan Kettering or another large institution of the same type for that second opinion.

However, what people need to keep in mind is these doctors and institutions are practicing and giving a cancer diagnosis from the same guidelines. They were all trained the same, had to pass the same exams and they have the same approach. To put it into perspective, its like going to a BMW dealership and looking for the possibility of buying a Ford which is very likely not going to happen.

Why It’s Important To Ask For A Second Opinion From An Alternative Doctor

My recommendation is this, if you would like a second opinion of your cancer diagnosis you can certainly go to another conventional institution or doctor. However, in order to receive another perspective or view perhaps of what cancer is and how it came about and what the necessary steps are to eliminate it, it is best to see an alternative doctor such as myself.

Here are some additonal questions that should be asked while recieving any diagnosis. Is there anything I should do about changing my diet? What you will find is the majority of conventional institutions don’t think that diet is really important and they tell people to just eat what they can.

Now, they might mention nowadays because it’s popular to lower your sweets and sugar intake. However, on the other end, where these conventional institutions are administering chemotherapy you will see bowls of candy and the like. You will not get answers to these types of questions from the conventional world.

The conventional world is more interested in combating the tumor / tumors. They are aware that their treatments are dangerous and so they are doing a lot of research on targeting cancer. However, they don’t talk about how one can change their body’s biochemistry so that it will no longer be a hospitable host to cancer.

They also don’t talk about how the body can be naturally stimulated so that the immune system is functioning at it’s highest level.  A second opinion means going to that Ford dealer and getting their perspective. Go to a conventional doctor or institution and get two opinions and then get two truly alternative opinions as well.

Make sure the true second opinion for a cancer diagnosis is from an integrative oncologist or an alternative physician who has several years of experience and is quite knowledgeable on the subject. You’ll find that these integrative oncologists and alternative physicians are doing similar types of interventional modalities to target the cancer and they are all biochemically sound and documented in science.

Some examples of these types of interventional modalities are; high dose vitamin c, ozone therapy, b17, etc. There are a lot of cancer targeting methods that do no harm to the body. You also need to ask them how you can go about changing your lifestyle so that this doesn’t happen again.

These are the questions to ask when getting a second opinion for a cancer diagnosis from physicians who understand how the body works and addresses the root cause.


The post What To Know About A Second Opinion For A Cancer Diagnosis appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.