Monday, August 22, 2016

What Is A Healthy Amount Of Fat Intake Per Day

What Is A Healthy Amount Of Fat Intake Per DayThe question of what is a healthy amount of fat intake per day is controversial and comes up often.

So, let’s bring some clarity to what is a healthy amount of fat intake per day right now. I personally advocate a high fat diet and I’m going to walk you through the reasoning for this here in this article.

And when I say high fat, I mean healthy fats coming from seeds, oils, nuts, fruits like avocado, etc. The heathy fats I recommend do not include animal fats at all. The amount of essential fat in humans is anywhere from 2% to 5% in men and 10% to 13% in women.

Essential fat means the amount of fat we need to buffet organs, etc. Consider that the brain is about 3 lbs. and 60% fat. That fat is not usable fat for fuel for the body, that fat is the covering of the brain itself.

We have approximately 100 trillion cells in our body although no one really knows the exact number. Each cell has a membrane and that membrane is 50% lipid, lipid is the term for fat. It is the membrane of the cell that translates what is going on around the cell to the inside mechanisms of the cell.

This means whether or not the cell should contract or excrete or digest, etc, and the membrane needs to signal the nucleus to produce a particular protein. In other words, turn a gene on or turn a gene off.

Here we are reminded that the control of the cell is not from the nucleus but from the outside and the part of the cell that controls it from the outside is the membrane. The membrane is the brains and provides the perception of what’s going on from the outside and what’s needed on the inside.

The membranes composition must be in complete health in order to have health of the individual. What the membrane is made of is dependent on what is available to it in that extracellular fluid, the fluid that bathes the cells.

What Is A Healthy Amount Of Fat Intake Per Day At A Minimum, 30% For Maintenance

We need to be having the healthy fats that are absolutely necessary for the functioning of that membrane. Consider that there are one hundred trillion cells and that we need to make sure that they are healthy.

Now, let’s assume that we are starting from an average diet and we need to now get healthy. First thing we need to do is clean out that fluid and we can do that through juicing, fasting, colonics and various other things.

We need to change the membranes to become healthy and highly functional and we can only do that through supplying lots of fats. It takes about 9 months of a high fat diet where approximately 50% of your daily intake of food is through heathy fats.

You will live quite well from this diet as every cell can use the healthy fats for fuel. The result is changing over all the cells in our body where all are optimally functioning.  At that point after the 9 months, I recommend people drop down to 30-40% fat as a percentage of their daily consumption.

At a minimum for a healthy and balanced diet 30% of your daily consumption of food should come from healthy fats.

The post What Is A Healthy Amount Of Fat Intake Per Day appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Monday, August 15, 2016

The Three Fundamentals To Stop The Production Of Cancer

the three fundamentals to stop the production of cancerLet’s review the three fundamentals to stop the production of cancer. 

The three fundamentals to stop the production of cancer that we use at our healing center are as follows. First we teach people how to stop making cancer. Secondly, we target and eliminate the cancer without harm to the body. And, thirdly, we naturally enhance the immune system which is the bodies only defense system.

The best and most natural way to deal with cancer is a healthy immune system so it’s very important to understand how to keep your immune system functioning optimally. These are the three pillars of what we teach and perform at our healing center. A healthy immune system is the best way to prevent cancer.

You could have a large tumor but if it doesn’t grow another inch and doesn’t metastasize, you’ll live a normal life. It’s never the primary tumor that hurts, it’s the metastatic problem. When a person comes to our healing center, An Oasis Of Healing in Mesa, Az, which uses alternative cancer treatments and they have a tumor and say can you get rid of this, what they are really saying is, how do I stop making cancer.

It really doesn’t matter how good anybody is at getting rid of the tumor, i.e. surgery, because it will be back unless you change the lifestyle that helped create it in the first place. So, we start here first and teach people how to stop producing cancer.

Second, we target and eliminate the cancer. By understanding what cancer is and the biology of it which is a chronic fermenting cell, we can then apply natural cancer treatments targeted to the cancer cells that challenge them metabolically. Treatments such as laetrile from apricot seeds and intravenous high dose vitamin c which produces hydrogen peroxide inside of cells are incredibly effective at attacking and killing cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone to thrive.

This is how we challenge the cancer cells metabolically, they can’t handle what normal healthy cells can and therefore, they die off. Now, it’s important to understand there are many of these natural treatments available to combat cancer. What’s also critical to know is that you can never just do one thing when it comes to cancer. If you do just one thing, cancer is clever and it will figure a way around it.

The three fundamentals to stop the production of cancer and help restore health

If you stop making cancer, do all of these different therapies to target the cancer cells and eliminate them and then enhance the immune system, the cancer can’t survive in this alkaline rich environment.

Here’s what’s missing, when you think you have a diagnosis you feel wonderful because you think you have the answer, however, diagnosis’s fail to give you two important things that you want and need. The first is, how did I get this? And the second is how do I get rid of it? A diagnosis does not answer these two vital questions, they just give you a name.

Getting back to nature is the only answer so take your shoes off, go outside and be in nature, it’s the best medicine there is, period!

The post The Three Fundamentals To Stop The Production Of Cancer appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Sugar And Its Relationship With Cancer

sugar and its relationship with cancerToday, we are going to discuss sugar and its relationship with cancer.

It’s first important to understand that sugar is the fundamental fuel for metabolism and the fuel by which cells work. When sugar is combined with oxygen in the mitochondria, it produces energy that runs all the cellular machinery, so it’s fundamental and our bodies need sugar. Let’s dig a little deeper into sugar and its relationship with cancer.

However, we do not need more than we need. If we get more than we need, it starts to become a problem and we become toxic and produces conditions such as insulin resistance. The body has a set mechanism to prevent the body from getting too much sugar.

In a chronic condition where the body is getting too much sugar, it will control it by becoming diabetic. This is the bodies way of controlling the sugar intake and preventing too much sugar from getting into the cells.

Cancer feeds on sugar. It’s anaerobic and needs 19 times more sugar and it does this by having extra insulin receptors, it’s very clever. The thing that feeds cancer preferentially is spikes in sugar. If you are eating a normal healthy diet your sugar variations will be normal and slight, not spiking.

It’s only during a sugar spike that insulin is produced because when the sugar goes up, insulin is produced. And when insulin is produced it will be picked up preferentially and first by cancer cells. During sugar spikes you are feeding cancer cells. If you have minimal spikes and sustain a normal, healthy diet, you will be starving cancer cells.

Now, in terms of the quality of sugar, the best quality of any substance of any macronutrient and sugar is a carbohydrate which is a macronutrient, is that which comes from its original source which are plants. Plants are the originators of all things biological.

What needs to be understood is even spinach and potatoes as an example has some amount of sugar. Everything has some amount of sugar. There is no such thing as a pure starch tree just like there is no pure fat tree. Even a seed which is mostly oil and fats has a little bit of protein and some carbs.

Watch me explain in detail sugar and its relationship with cancer

There is no pure anything, it’s all a variation of different proportions of these three macronutrients and all the tiny micronutrients. When you eat wild crafted foods and you eat them in season you will always be healthy.

So, can we eat fruit, yes, we can. The amount could depend on your current health condition but for the majority of people, you should eat fruit everyday. Fruit is our most natural food, for example, if you hold a red apple up to a baby or a pear, they will instinctually grab for it and try to put it in their mouth. They don’t grab rabbits or frogs and try to eat them.

Fruit is our most instinctual food and we do need it daily. We should always try to eat it in season and eat wild crafted organic fruit at that but never over eat it. When you eat fruit, you should eat it alone so you have the most efficient digestion and also so it doesn’t ferment.

Remember, the more you require of your digestive system, the less efficient it will be. So, eat fruit on its own and space it out from when eating other foods, give it time to properly digest.

The post Sugar And Its Relationship With Cancer appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Estrogen Receptor Positive Breast Cancer

estrogen receptor positive breast cancerLet’s discuss estrogen receptor positive breast cancer and natural ways to treat it.

The first thing to understand about estrogen and all hormones and that they all function in balance just the way that nature does. Just as we need day and night, which is the opposite of things, this action allows balance and health. We are going to discuss why synthetic chemicals that try to mimic nature are not needed in treating estrogen receptor positive breast cancer.

In all of nature and all biochemical processes whatever promotes something, there will be something to take it away as this is the way nature works. Neither one is good, both are required and it’s the balance that is needed.

In general, estrogen requires progesterone, however, there are a lot of other things involved in hormone balancing. For example, with estrogen positive breast cancer, it’s not that estrogen is bad thing, it’s just that estrogen has a quality to make things grow. Estrogen sensitive tissues which are tissues that have estrogen receptors that respond to estrogen around them.

If it’s breast tissue, ovaries or vaginal tissue for example, they all require estrogen for growth. If we look at the menstrual cycle, the beginning of the cycle is dominated by estrogen where we see a growth and build up of the endometrial tissues and then when pregnancy does not occur, progesterone dominates the second part of the cycle where the shedding or getting rid of occurs.

Our current diets and lifestyles produce a very estrogenic environment. There are many estrogen like chemicals in plastics and pesticides that are affecting the estrogen receptors.  Also, progesterone is one of the hormones that starts to decline early as we age. All of these factors combine to create an estrogen dominant system.

An estrogen dominate system can result in lumpy breasts, fibrocystic breasts, ovarian cysts, etc. In men, this can result in prostatic hypertrophy which is the growth of the prostate. So, the question is, do we need to block the estrogens? In one sense we do and in one sense we need to bring about the rebalancing of the estrogen and progesterone in the body because remember, health is based on that balance.

Estrogen Receptor Positive Breast Cancer And How To Treat It

There are several different estrogens that need to be looked at but the three main ones are estrone, estradiol and estriol. Estrodiol and estrone are involved in the growth of tumors. Estriol is a very benign estrogen and does not promote growth.

There are two types of estrogen receptors, alpha and beta. One is involved in stimulating growth and the other is not. It turns out that estriol is very protective and can safely be given to a women with estrogen receptor positive breast cancer.

This is the estrogen that dominates during pregnancy. Estriol cream becomes incredibly important and when taken in a bio identical form, it actually blocks the estrogen receptor that stimulates growth. So, this is very important thing to do and is far better than tamoxifen.

Another important thing to know is that fermented soy gets into the body and blocks the receptor that would normally cause the growth. Fermented soy products such as natto, miso and tempeh become very important as they will block these receptors that cause growth.

These are the products that you would want to take as they produce positive results and have none of the side effects that the synthetic estrogen products produce.

The post Estrogen Receptor Positive Breast Cancer appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.